About EARL
East Asia Resource Library (EARL) is a central reference point for the researchers of East Asian languages and cultures. EARL assures wide accessibility to the unique collection of digitalized primary sources, data, printed books and electronic sources available online in languages of the East Asian region, English and other world languages. The main purpose of the EARL is to facilitate a wider East-Asian network of institutions contributing literature and other teaching resources, with a view to promoting understanding between nations from the region and the local, but also regional interested public, students, and faculty. EARL hosts open events (lectures, presentations, round tables) focusing on subjects of relevance for participating partners and of interest to both Slovenian and international public. EARL publishes an occasional Newsletter on the previous and forthcoming events.
The EARL consists of four sections, to which Capital Library of China, Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies, and institutions from Japan and Korea contribute: China Corner Reading Beijing, Japan Corner, Korea Corner, Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies.
The EARL Research Unit and its collaborators publish occasional papers on issues related to East Asia. For the collection visit here.