ODKJG performs librarian, information and documentation activities for the purpose of scientific research and education work in the field of social sciences. It provides its services to students and employees of the Faculty of Social Sciences, students and employees of other members of the University of Ljubljana, secondary school students, students and experts from other institutions as well as other users. The operation of ODKJG rests on professional work, high-quality services, user friendliness and state-of-the-art technology.
ODKJG is a user-centred library which adapts library collection, services and facilities to users' needs. It provides for a comprehensive and high-quality collection of print and electronic social science resources, supports and promotes lifelong learning as well as constantly analyses and evaluates success and efficiency of its performance.
New date for library course on library's e-resources
The library at the Faculty of Social Sciences is organizing courses in English to help foreign students with the use of library services, in particular e-resources. You can apply for the scheduled course or set up an individual consultation.
Access to Taylor & Francis e-books
We have gained one-year access to 1,312 e-books from Taylor & Francis in various scientific fields. Access is available till December 31 2025.
Access to Gale Research Complete
All of these collections cover the fields of literature, history, sociology, philosophy, religion, politics, international relations, science and technology.
Trial access to Sage Video
Sage Video is a comprehensive collection of academic video content designed to support education, research, and academic endeavors across various disciplines. Trial access is available till November 18 2024.
Gateway to UL Digital Library (log-in recommended) Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana portal (DiKUL)
ZEBRA study materials portal (access for FSS students)
SGC – COBISS.SI general list of subject headings
Frequently Asked Questions Question for loan service Question for interlibrary loan Price lists Document delivery order Material purchase proposal Feedback form Bank transfer information Research guides
Slovenia and the EU : 20 years of membership in perspective Kaeding, Michael (ur.); Udovič, Boštjan (ur.)
Alpenecho : slovenska narodnozabavna glasba v sodobnih kulturnih, političnih in medijskih kontekstih Bobnič, Robert et al.
Kakšno šolo v prelomnih časih? Nastran Ule, Mirjana (ur.)
"Trst, to je tam, kjer je Boris Pahor" Perenič, Urška (ur.); Grdina, Igor (ur.)
Nexus : a brief history of information networks from the stone age to AI Harari, Yuval Noah
Loot : how Israel stole Palestinian property Raz, Adam
Predatory publishing and global scholarly communications Berger, Monica
Tainted democracy : Viktor Orbán and the subversion of Hungary Szelényi, Zsuzsanna
Vagina : a new biography Wolf, Naomi
Tito : večni partizan : biografija Calic, Marie-Janine
Primer: Anhovo : med azbestom, odpadki, razvojem in zdravstveno krizo Jerant, Jasmina
Pot v temo : od usmrtitev iz usmiljenja do množičnih pobojev Sereny, Gitta
Božanski imperator Peščenega planeta Herbert, Frank
Otroka peščenega planeta Herbert, Frank
Mesija s Peščenega planeta Herbert, Frank
Peščeni planet Herbert, Frank
Pisanje v humanistiki : kaj je znanstveno besedilo in kako ga pisati Zabel, Blaž
Bi to povedali tudi pred kamero? : dvajset let oddaje Preverjeno Arko, Alenka
Matrica fikcije : eseji o podobi Vrdlovec, Zdenko
Ne morete biti nevtralni na premikajočem se vlaku : osebna zgodovina Zinn, Howard