Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Introduction to critical thinking and academic writing

Uvod v kritično mišljenje in znanstveno pisanje

Obligatory literature

1. Unit of obligatory literature:

Title: Navodila za urejanje znanstvenih in strokovnih besedil »
Publishing: Ljubljana : Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2008
COBISS.SI-ID: 34991453 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

2. Unit of obligatory literature:

Author: Cottrell, Stella
Title: Critical thinking skills : effective analysis, argument and reflection »
Edition: 3rd ed.
Publishing: London : Palgrave, 2017
ISBN: 978-1-137-55050-7; 1-137-55050-3
COBISS.SI-ID: 35739997 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »
All obligatory literature in catalog ODKJG »

Additional literature

1. Unit of additional literature:

Title: Strategies for essay writing »
Publishing: Cambridge : Harvard College Writing Center, [201?]
COBISS.SI-ID: 36030813 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

2. Unit of additional literature:

Title: Harvard guide to using sources : a publication of the Harvard College writing program »
Publishing: Cambridge : Harvard College, Office of Undergraduate Education, [201?]
COBISS.SI-ID: 36030557 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »
All additional literature in catalog ODKJG »