Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Evolution of the international community

Razvoj mednarodne skupnosti

Obligatory literature

1. Unit of obligatory literature:

Author: Benko, Vlado
Title: Zgodovina mednarodnih odnosov »
Edition: 2. izd.
Publishing: Ljubljana : Znanstveno in publicistično središče, 2000
ISBN: 961-6014-90-0
COBISS.SI-ID: 110192896 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

2. Unit of obligatory literature:

Author: Young, John W.
Title: Cold war Europe 1945-1991 : a political history »
Edition: 2nd ed., 3rd impression
Publishing: London [etc.] : Arnold, 1997, cop. 1996
ISBN: 0-340-62516-3
COBISS.SI-ID: 224386 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »
All obligatory literature in catalog ODKJG »

Additional literature

1. Unit of additional literature:

Author: Fukuyama, Francis
Title: The end of history and the last man »
Edition: 1st Free Press trade paperback ed.
Publishing: New York [etc.] : Free, 2006
ISBN: 0-7432-8455-0; 978-0-7432-8455-4; 0-02-910975-2; 978-0-02-910975-5
COBISS.SI-ID: 4686929 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »

2. Unit of additional literature:

Author: Hobsbawm, Eric
Title: Age of extremes : the short twentieth century : 1914-1991 »
Edition: 10th impression
Publishing: London : M. Joseph, 1995
ISBN: 0-7181-3307-2
COBISS.SI-ID: 223874 - Record/s in the catalog ODKJG »
All additional literature in catalog ODKJG »