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We invite you to the linking event JAPANESE ECONOMY AND BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 2023 日本の経済と企業、日本とのビジネスに関するレクチャーリレ, which will take place in the East Asia Resource Library (FDV, lecture room 8) on Wednesday, May 17, from 4 to 8 p.m. You will hear success stories of Slovenian companies in Japan, get an insight into Japanese business philosophy, and intercultural mediation between Japan and Slovenia will be presented. The event will also be welcomed by the Ambassador of Japan HE Mr. MATSUSHIMA Hiromichi.


16:00 Greetings

H.E. Mr. MATSUSHIMA Hiromichi, the Ambassador of Japan in Slovenia
and Dr. Luka CULIBERG, Head of the Department of Asian Studies FF and
Head of the East Asia Resource Library

16:10 Dr. Maksimilijan BREGAR, Area Sales Manager Japan, Sensum d. o. o.

Success story of Slovenian high tech company on competitive Japanese
market(Part 2)

16:40 Mr. SAITŌ Shigeki, Forme d. o. o.

Yatte ikerusa! - How I started from scratch

17:10 Mrs. Maja ROME, Genki center

Business philosophy, model adaptation in times of Corona and vision for
the future

17:40 Mr. Jernej PANGERC, testni inženir, iSYSTEM Labs d. o. o.

Delovne izkušnje na Japonskem med korono

18:10 Ms. OKADA Chihiro, a graduate of Tōhoku Fukushi University

(Vizije japonologije z vidika osebne izkušnje japonske in slovenske družbe)

18:40 Ms. Polona BRUMEN, prevajalka in tolmačka

Jezikovne storitve in medkulturno posredovanje

19:10 - 19:30 Questions and discussion

The lectures will be assisted by interpreters for Japanese, Slovene and English.
Back to list of notificationsPublished: 10. May 2023 | Category: EARL