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Study Trip Geneva: Registration Deadline 1 March

Mreža mladinskih društev za ZN (UNYANET) med 26. in 29. marcem 2015 organizira ekskurzijo v Ženevo. Udeležba na ekskurziji je za člane Društva za ZN brez kotizacije, vendar udeleženci sami krijejo potne stroške, stroške nastanitve in prehrane. Več informacij o ekskurziji najdete spodaj, rok za prijavo je 1. marec 2015.

We invite to you discover the second largest UN city and the international Human Rights Hub: Join our Study Trip to Geneva from 25-29 March! The trip is organized in cooperation with DMUN from Germany.

The programme:
We will learn about the strengths and challenges of the international human rights system from different perspectives. Primarily, we will visit different international organizations. At the Palais des Nations, we will observe a Human Rights Council session, meet with representatives of Member States and the EU. Also, we will discuss with different UN organizations (UNHCR) and NGOs (HRW, ICRC, MSF). Furthermore, we take a day to explore the historic city center, from the medieval streets to the famous lake with its fountain, and enjoy the view of the Alps, Swiss cheese fondue, wine and much more. Find the draft programme attached (might be subject to changes).
Organisational matters and costs:
Good news: The trip is free of charge for UNYANET members, no participation costs apply! Also, we organize accomodation for you (as cheap and comfortable as possible) and can recommend you cheap travel options to and from Geneva. However, bad news are: Even though we are trying to get funding, you will have to cover most of the travel expenses, accomodation, catering etc yourself.
Please arrive on Wednesday, 25 March, ideally in the evening. The programme ends on Sunday, 29 March around midday.
You can register right now right here:
Looking forward to an exciting time with you in Geneva!

Nazaj na seznam vseh obvestilObjavljeno: 25. februar 2015 | v kategoriji: Aktualno