Secretariat offers an Intership Opportunity in the Legal Unit
The Energy Community Secretariat offers a limited number of Internships for young university graduates or students who wish to acquire an understanding of the Energy Community’s work or gain experience in the field of their studies. In 2014, the Secretariat will be offering two internships in the legal unit. Interested candidates are invited to apply to the Energy Community Secretariat via email, not later than 15 January 2014.
The intern will be performing research on topics related to competition and regulation in the energy sector. He/she will also be involved in the assessment of compliance of legal acts adopted by the Contracting Parties with the Energy Community acquis.
The period of the Internship has been set as follows:
- 1st half of 2014 for the duration of 3 months
- 2nd half of 2014 for the duration of 3 months
When applying the canditate should indicate the preferred time period of the internship.
Nazaj na seznam vseh obvestilObjavljeno: 28. november 2013 | v kategoriji: Aktualno