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Gostovanje prof. dr. Bernharda Stahla z Univerze v Passau

Od 4. 3. do 20. 3. 2024 je na katedri za mednarodne odnose UL FDV gostoval prof. dr. Bernhard Stahl z Univerze v Passau. Med drugim je izvedel naslednja predavanja pri predmetih Zunanja politika, Svetovna politika in Evropska unija kot globalni akter:

  • ’Why did Putin do that?’ Levels of analysis and foreign policy change in the Ukraine war
  • How the international community’s core values erode - the silencing of mass atrocities
  • How substantial is the ‘Zeitenwende’? Factors of German foreign policy
  • The EU’s dilemmas in enlargement: a model of comprehending enlargement fatigue


From March 4 to March 20, 2024, Prof. dr. Bernhard Stahl from the University of Passau guest lectured at our Chair of IR. He addressed the following topisc in the courses Foreign Policy, World Politics and the European Union as a Global Actor:

  • ’Why did Putin do that?’ Levels of analysis and foreign policy change in the Ukraine war
  • How the international community’s core values erode - the silencing of mass atrocities
  • How substantial is the ‘Zeitenwende’? Factors of German foreign policy
  • The EU’s dilemmas in enlargement: a model of comprehending enlargement fatigue



Nazaj na seznam vseh obvestilObjavljeno: 28. marec 2024 | v kategoriji: Obvestilo, Objave, Novice