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OKROGLA MIZA: Deset let Sveta OZN za človekove pravice

Vabljeni na okroglo mizo Deset let Sveta OZN za človekove pravice, ki bo potekala v sredo, 8. junija 2016 ob 16. uri v Hotelu Lev (dvorana Karantanija), Vošnjakova ulica 1, Ljubljana!

02. junij 2016 | Obvestilo

Young Academic Awards 2016

15. maj 2016 | Aktualno

Become an European Studies expert - apply now

We are glad to inform you that the applications to the second level Master study programme of European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana are now open.

28. marec 2016 | Obvestilo

Become a Master of International Relations - apply now

We are glad to inform you that the application process to the second level Master study programme of International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, taught in English, is now open.

28. marec 2016 | Obvestilo