Splošne informacije
Vodja projekta na FDV: izr.prof.dr. Marko Lovec
Zunanji vodja: Marko Lovec (FDV)
Sofinancerji: CERV (EU)
Rezultati / ključne ugotovitve
This research investigates Euroscepticism from below, from both the Right and the Left, from political parties and social movements in fi ve countries in Europe: two candidate countries for accession to the European Union (EU)—North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina—and three member states—Italy, Poland and Slovenia. With a mixed methods approach, it combines interviews, focus groups and content analyses of (online and offl ine) organizational documents and manifestos in each of the countries, to analyse and unpack a variety of narratives on Europe and the European integration process , at both party and social movement levels. Off ering a comparison of the narratives surrounding Europe and the conceptualization of Euroscepticism, including the identifi cation of several paths of opposition, this volume will appeal to scholars of sociology and politics with interests in the EU, political and social movements and framing theory.
Ključne besede
eu, euroscepticism, framing analysis, western balkans
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