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Izbrane objave/selected publications:
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša. Image control and public attitudes. V: JOHNSON, Guy (ur.). Research handbook on homelessness. Cheltenham; Northampton: E. Elgar, cop. 2024. Str. 223-235
SENDI, Richard, FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, ŠEME, Ajda, KERBLER, Boštjan Kefo. The different aspects of the housing quality of older adults : which criteria should be prioritized?. Journal of aging & social policy. 2024, vol. , iss. , str. 1-20
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša. Homelessness in Slovenia. V: BRETHERTON, Joanne (ur.), PLEACE, Nicholas (ur.). The Routledge handbook of homelessness. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2023. Str. 384-393
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, DOBROTIĆ, Ivana. Eastern European welfare states. V: GREVE, Bent (ur.). De Gruyter handbook of contemporary welfare states. Berlin; Boston: W. de Gruyter, cop. 2022. Str. 119-134
RODRIGUES, Ricardo, FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, KADI, Selma, HURTADO MONARRES, Miriam, HLEBEC, Valentina. Life course pathways into intergenerational caregiving. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. Jul. 2022, vol. 77, no. 7, str. 1305-1314
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, ZIMMERMANN, Katharina. Deservingness and socio-economic cleavages. V: YERKES, Mara A. (ur.), BAL, Michèlle (ur.). Solidarity and social justice in contemporary societies : an interdisciplinary approach to understanding inequalities. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, cop. 2022. Str. 127-136
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, RAKAR, Tatjana. Care policy in Slovenia : divergent trends and convergent attitudes. Revija za socijalnu politiku. 2021, god. 28, br. 3, str. 303-321
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, RAKAR, Tatjana. Restructuring the Slovenian welfare system : between economic pressures and future challenges. V: BLUM, Sonja (ur.), KUHLMANN, Johanna (ur.), SCHUBERT, Klaus (ur.). Routledge handbook of European welfare systems. 2nd ed. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2020. Str. 483-501
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, SENDI, Richard, HLEBEC, Valentina, KERBLER, Boštjan Kefo. Moving house and housing preferences in older age in Slovenia. Housing theory and society. 2019, vol. 36, no. 1, str. 76-91
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, IGNJATOVIĆ, Miroljub. Slovenia : an equal society despite the transition. V: NOLAN, Brian (ur.). Changing inequalities and societal impacts in rich countries : thirty countries' experiences. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, str. 593-615
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša. Representations of homelessness. V: SMITH, Susan (ur.). International encyclopedia of housing and home. 1st ed. Oxford: Elsevier, 2012, zv. 6, str. 54-58.
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša, DOLNIČAR, Vesna. Sense of community and the importance of values : comparison of two neighborhoods in Slovenia. J. urban aff.. 2012, vol. 34, no. 3, str. 317-336
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša. Media representations of homelessness and the link to (effective) policies: the case of Slovenia. Eur. J. Homelessness Dec. 2008, vol. 2, str. 115-137
FILIPOVIČ HRAST, Maša. Influences on the sense of neighborhood : case of Slovenia. Urban aff. rev. (Thousand Oaks Calif.), May 2008, vol. 43, no. 5, str. 718-732

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