at the Mental Health Festival 2023
On May 18th, the National Institute of Public Health organized the Mental Health Festival 2023 as part of the MIRA program. The event was held at Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre Gospodarsko razstavišče, where the internet safety awareness centre held a booth next to the main stage.
As part of the Safer Internet Centre, presented their awareness-raising activities on safe internet use at their booth. Visitors could get a lot of useful information and stock up on leaflets for teenagers and guidebooks for parents. Other printed materials, such as posters, could be ordered using a QR code that led visitors to an online order form. Spletno oko, the hotline for reporting child sexual abuse images on the internet, also presented its annual report and activities at the booth.
During the event, coworkers Ajda Petek and Marko Puschner held a workshop on Well-being, Mental Health and the Internet. The workshop was attended by more than 20 participants.
The Mental Health Festival was well attended and many people stopped by the booth to express their interest in, or to find out more about issues related to internet use.