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Members of the Centre for Social Informatics published an article in the journal Technology in Society

Dr. Andraž Petrovčič, dr. Simona Hvalič-Touzery and Jerneja Laznik, in collaboration with dr. Anabel Quan-Haase, dr. Bianca C. Reisdorf and dr. Štěpán Žádník, have published an original scientific article titled »Categorical and resource inequalities in self-reliant internet use and use-by-proxy among older adults in Slovenia during the COVID-19 pandemic«. in the journal Technology in Society.

24. October 2024 | News, Publications

Members of the Centre for Social Informatics published an article in the journal Health & Social Care in the Community

The study contributes to a better understanding of the factors that influence the acceptance of welfare technologies among nurses caring for older adults in non-clinical settings and highlights the central role of the patient in all aspects of nursing practice.

02. October 2024 | News, Publications

Researchers at the Centre for Social Informatics published an article in the journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Andraž Petrovčič, PhD, Bianca Reisdorf, PhD, Anabel Quan-Haase, PhD, Jošt Bartol and Darja Grošelj, PhD, published an original research article titled “Digital inequalities among internet users before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison from two cross-sectional surveys in Slovenia.”

01. October 2024 | News, Publications

Researchers from the Centre for Social Informatics published an article in the journal DIGITAL HEALTH

Recognizing the importance of traditional approaches is vital, and healthcare providers and policymakers should prioritize inclusivity to ensure a diverse and equitable healthcare system for older adults and vulnerable populations.

30. September 2024 | News, Publications

Researchers at the Centre for Social Informatics published an article in the journal Information, Communication & Society

Andraž Petrovčič, PhD, Bianca Reisdorf, PhD, Vasja Vehovar, PhD, and Jošt Bartol published an original research article titled “Disentangling the role of algorithm awareness and knowledge in digital inequalities: an empirical validation of an explanatory model” in Information, Communication & Society, a top-tier journal in the field of communication and Internet studies.

14. June 2024 | News, Publications

New Article in One of the Most Reputable Journals in the Field of Evaluation in Higher Education

Vasja Vehovar, PhD and Luka Štrlekar published the article "When to conduct student evaluation of teaching surveys: before or after the final examination?" in the American journal Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.

05. January 2024 | News, Publications