For the period:
Members of CMI recepients of University of Ljubljana Prize
Assist. prof. dr. Marjan Cugmas and assist. Kristina Rakinić, members of the CMI, are recipients of the University of Ljubljana Prize. Assist. prof. dr. Marjan Cugmas received a ceremonial certificate for young university teachers and assist. Kristina Rakinić, as a doctoral student, received the award for special achievements of students.
12. December 2023 | News
Participation at the European Conference on Health Communication
From November 15 to 17, the European Conference on Health Communication 2023 took place in Klagenfurt, Austria, organized jointly by the Health Communication Divisions of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) and the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Sara Atanasova and Gregor Petrič, members of the Centre, also took part in the conference.
22. November 2023 | News
Participation at the 9th Congress of Slovenian Psychologists
From 16 to 18 November, the 9th Congress of Psychologists of Slovenia took place in Portorož, with the theme "Self and environment: the interplay of inner and outer worlds". The congress was also attended by a member of the Centre asist. Kristina Rakinić. She presented a paper entitled Moral dilemmas of adolescents on social media.
22. November 2023 | News
7th European Conference on Social Network Analysis (EUSN 2023)
The 7th European Conference on Social Network (EUSN 2023) took place from 4 to 8 September 2023. The event, held for the first time in Slovenia this year at the Faculty of Social Sciences, was co-organised by the Centre for Methodology and Informatics, UL FDV.
11. September 2023 | News
1st doctoral conference: New perspectives in the humanities and social sciences
From January 26 to 27, 2023, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts held the 1st Doctoral Conference of the Interdisciplinary Study Program Humanities and Social Sciences of the UL, titled New Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences. The conference was co-organized by CMI member, asst. Kristina Rakinić, who also presented her contribution at the conference.
30. January 2023 | News