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New study: Social aspects of the organ donation in Slovenia, 2017: Analysis of the stimulating and inhibitory factors for designing programs to achieve behavioural change – field survey

Authors of Research: Tanja Kamin, Mirjana Ule, Andreja Živoder, Jernej Berzelak and Slavko Kurdija

Year of Research:  2017

Keywords: health, illness, organ donations, organ transplantation, stimulative factors, inhibitory factors, behavioural changes, diseases, organ donation, health screening


Researchers form Centre for Social Psychology (UL FDV) in cooperation with several organizations, researched the social aspects of organ and tissue donation in Slovenia. With the research the authors tried to find ways to narrow the gap between organ demand and supply under the precondition that organ transplantation remains totally voluntary, depending on the willingness of people to donate their organs or the organs of their loved ones after death to others who need them. The data was collected within the framework of the survey Slovenian Public Opinion 2017/1: European Values Study. 1076 adult residents of Slovenia participated in the field survey. The questions include the following topics: informing about organ donation after death, willingness to donate organs (own, close ones), registration in the register of organ donors, conversation about organ donation, attitudes related to organ donation, opinions about the attitudes of others towards organ donation, familiarity with organ donation.

Prior to this survey, a pilot survey with the purpose of testing the questionnaire was conducted on population of members of the online panel of Valicon company. The questionnaire was answered by the 1007 active members of the online panel, aged 18-75 years. The data is also available in ADP for secondary use (ADP IDNo: DORGSP17).


Cite the data:

Kamin, T., Ule, M., Živoder, A., Berzelak, J. and Kurdija, S. (2024). Social aspects of the organ donation in Slovenia, 2017: Analysis of the stimulating and inhibitory factors for designing programs to achieve behavioural change – field survey [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: DORGST17.
Back to list of notificationsPublished: 07. April 2024 | Category: News