Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Analysis of research infrastructures to strengthen national and EU research capacities




1.10.2022 - 30.9.2024

Range on year:

0.22 FTE | 2022

Project leader at FDV:

asist.dr. Gregor Čehovin


Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport / Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in inovacije

Research activity:


The phases of the project and their realization:

DS1: Project management N1.1 Project management and reporting N1.2 Risk management and quality assurance DS2: Impact of research infrastructures (RIs) on the development of ERA and the national research and innovation environment N2.1: Systematic literature review and definition of the difference between research and technology infrastructures N2.2: Meta-study of infrastructure factors and governance practices of RI and TI N2.3: Review of systems for monitoring and evaluating the impact of RI N2.4: Review of best practice methodologies for monitoring and reporting on RI performance and recommendations for infrastructure governance in the EU N2.5: Development and processing of a monitoring and evaluation questionnaire based on a common methodology N2.6: Unified monitoring of research infrastructures N2.7: Concretisation of recommendations for the Slovenian scientific research and innovation environment DS3: Case studies on "Collaboration with industry on the example of HPC Vega and selected ERICs DS4: Study of funding instruments for research infrastructures in EU Member States N4.1 Development of methodology and questionnaires for Member States N4.2 Conduct a survey and qualitative study N4.3 Report on findings based on selected cases DS5: Dissemination N5.2 Implementation of the dissemination plan



The proposed project focuses on topics related to European research infrastructures. The research and analysis included in the project will serve as support to the National Research Infrastructure Development Plan (NRRI). Additionally, it also includes a set of topics that will contribute to the realisation of the ERA (European Research Area), in line with the objectives set out in the European Commission's Communication on a renewed Research Area. (European Commission, COM 628/20). Research infrastructures (RIs) are key to strengthening the ERA. Including the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and Technology Infrastructures (TIs), RIs are a key support to research and technological innovation and a driving force for multidisciplinary and data-intensive science. The project has two key objectives, which will be achieved through three work packages (WPs): • A review of the impact of research infrastructures on research capacities in the national and international (EU) space and the preparation of proposals for actions to implement the ESFRI Roadmap at national level. • The development of an appropriate methodology to be used in the evaluation of the development of European research infrastructures, to support both the ESFRI governance structure and the national countries in the evaluation and formulation of their own RI roadmaps. WP2: Impact of research infrastructures (RIs) on the development of ERA and the national research and innovation environment The objectives of the tasks carried out under WP2 are to contribute to the development of the ERA and the national research innovation environment. The accessibility and integrity of the system of research infrastructures in the Europe is crucial to support research work within the ERA. In WP2, a meta-study will analyse the key conceptual, operational and research aspects of the drivers and governance arrangements of RIs and TIs. In parallel, we will examine the impact of RI on the development of the Slovenian national research innovation environment. WP2 will also review the systems for monitoring and evaluating the impact of RI, and develop a methodology for monitoring and reporting on the socio-economic impact of RI. WP3: Case studies on "Collaboration with industry on the example of HPC Vega and selected ERICs The aim of the in-depth analysis of the functioning of the selected ERICs and HPC Vega is to identify to what extent the existing research infrastructures already address the needs of industry, what is the experience with RI-industry collaboration and where are the potential barriers to such collaboration. WP4: Study of funding instruments for research infrastructures in EU Member States The objective of the tasks in this work package is to examine funding systems and synergies in the use of funds through a study involving data collection by means of questionnaires and interviews among selected RIs. Here, Delfi method will be applied, which is used for forecasting, gathering information in the decision-making process or collecting opinions on different strategies. Based on the WP2 tasks, we will develop a methodology and indicators for monitoring the performance of RIs that could be applied in all (their) domains of action. We will develop recommendations for monitoring and governence RIs in the EU. An important task will be to apply the findings and recommendations to the Slovenian scientific research environment. Based on the tasks carried out in WP3, we will prepare a proposal for a long-term strategy for the operation of ERIC and other ESFRI Landmark projects, in order to proactively respond to the formation of technological infrastructures where cooperation with industry is already successfully developing. Building on the work carried out in WP4, we will prepare a review of the stable funding of RIs and, on the basis of the findings of the study carried out, make proposals and recommendations for stable funding.

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