Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Media repertoires among the Youth: Social, political and cultural aspects of digitalised everyday life




1.9.2020 - 31.8.2023

Range on year:

0.26 FTE | 2020

Project leader at FDV:

prof.dr. Tanja Oblak Črnič

Research activity:

Social sciences

The phases of the project and their realization:

The project's work program is divided into four main phases. The first part (September 2020-February 2021) is dedicated to the elaboration of all theoretical concepts, in the second part (March-December 2021) the qualitative part of the research will be carried out together with the analysis of the qualitative data, then in the third part (January-December 2022) the quantitative part will follow with online survey and statistical analysis of the collected data, and finally (January-August 2023) the dissemination of the conclusions and recommendations to the scientific, professional and general public.

Research Organisation:


Citations for bibliographic records:


Youth's Media Repertoires The research goal of the project is to create a typology of media consumption and media preferences or media repertoires of young people. In addition, the relationship between young people's media types and differences in cultural consumption, media and digital education, political participation, and structural differences in young people's everyday digital lives will be determined. At the same time, we examine the relationship between young people's media use and their value orientations, social position, and other demographic characteristics (class, gender, and other sociodemographic differences). At the same time, we aim to gain insights into the ethnography of young people's everyday practices and rituals in the context of a networked society where attention is fragmented and dispersed. Finally, the goal of the project is to find out what young people's attitudes are toward politics and political engagement, in terms of their core value orientations. That is, we will find out how value orientations affect the evaluation of conventional and unconventional political forms and how young people practice politics and civic styles in a highly digitized everyday life.

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