Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Stylistics of multimedia journalism

Stilistika multimedijskega novinarstva

Course credits:

6.00 ECTS / 45 (20 hours of lectures, 0 hours of exercises, 25 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)

Course holder:

prof. dr. Monika Kalin Golob


Elective expert




Second semester

Study degree

2. level

    Course execution:

  • Postgraduate Programme of Journalism

Short content

The course is aimed at exploring and clarifying main linguistic, stylistic and discourse transformations of journalistic texts that has been importantly shaped by technological, social, cultural and aesthetic changes in production, distribution and reception of audio-visual contents brought by new media. With genre, style and linguistic analysis the contemporary practices in audio-visual journalistic production that are importantly articulated through the processes of hybridisation and convergence will be evaluated. The course is interconnected with the course Journalistic audio-visual production and new media to enable students to apply the knowledge to the evaluation of traditional genres and linguistic strategies in order to reconsider the traditions and transformative potentials of new media.

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Curriculum was last modified on: 04.06.2024