Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Food and discourse

Hrana in diskurz

Course credits:

6.00 ECTS / 45 (21 hours of lectures, 15 hours of exercises, 9 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)

Course holder:

izr. prof. dr. Andreja Vezovnik


  • Tch. Asst. Dora Matejak






First semester

Study degree

2. level

    Course execution:

  • Postgraduate Programme of Media and communication studies

Short content

This course focuses on the role of food in modern society. It critically examines contemporary food systems and related practices and discourses. The course examines food through the prism of environmental and climate issues, antispeciesism, public health and political identity.

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Curriculum was last modified on: 05.03.2024