Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Methodology and epistemology of the social sciences

Metodologija in epistemologija družbenih ved

Course credits:

10.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 0 hours of exercises, 30 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)

Course holder:

prof. dr. Tina Kogovšek


  • Prof. Valentina Hlebec
  • Asst. Prof. Luka Kronegger
  • Assoc. Prof. Katja Lozar Manfreda
  • Prof. Franc Mali
  • Prof. Andrej Mrvar
  • Assoc. Prof. Ilija Tomanić-Trivundža
  • Prof. Aleš Žiberna




Slovenian / english


Full academic year

Study degree

3. level

    Course execution:

  • Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Short content

The course deals with social science methodology in the broadest sense: - System of scientific research, scientific research, politics of social science research; - Ethics in social science research; - Theory and empirical research; - Methodological approaches /paradigms (positivism, interpretative paradigm, critical social science, postmodernism; - Research designs (qualitative/quantitative); - measurement (qualitative/quantitative); - unit selection (sampling, probability and nonprobability sampling); - qualitative and quantitative data analysis, - new approaches to data analysis; - research report; and within the field in detail: - survey research; - qualitative methods of data collection; - comparative research; - discourse analysis; - current trends in social science methodology.

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