Skoči do osrednje vsebine

International regionalism

Mednarodni regionalizem

Course credits:

5.00 ECTS / 45 (15 hours of lectures, 0 hours of exercises, 30 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)

Course holder:

prof. dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko


  • Prof. Gian Luca Gardini


Elective expert




First semester

Study degree

2. level

    Course execution:

  • Postgraduate Programme of International Relations

Short content

The phenomenon of international regionalism; three waves of regionalism - old regionalism, new regionalism and inter-regionalism. Study of international regionalism; regions as objects and as new subjects of international relations. Theories of new regionalism and the process of regionalization. Levels of regionalism. Dimensions of regionalism. Types of regionalizing actors. New Regionalism Approach and levels of regionness. Interregionalism and transnational regionalism. Case studies in international regionalism. Case studies of international regionalism and interregionalim; Europe, Americas, Africa, Near and Middle East, Mediterranean, ASEM, EU-MERCOSUR, FEALAC; politico-security dimension; economic-development dimension; environmental-energy dimension; human rights dimension, cultural dimension.

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Curriculum was last modified on: 18.04.2022