Mystical and political in Christianity and Islam
Mistično in politično v krščanstvu in islamu
Course credits:
6.00 ECTS / 60 (30 hours of lectures, 30 hours of exercises, 0 hours of seminars, 0 hours other forms of work)
Course holder:
prof. dr. Aljoša Pužar
- Tch. Asst. Teja Kosi
- Tch. Asst. Maruška Nardoni
- Asst. Prof. Jasmina Šepetavc
Elective expert
Second semester
Study degree
1. level
Course execution:
- Undergraduate Programme of Cultural studies - Studies of Culture and Creativity
Short content
This course is designed to provide broad yet analytically focused perspective on historical and contemporary topics related to political and mystical aspects of Christianity and Islam.
The course is rooted in social studies and humanities, offering conceptual and theoretical foundations for the analysis of relations between religion, identity, and society.
The first half of the course addresses broader issues of relations between mystical and political in Abrahamic monotheism (from the historical and contemporary perspective).
The course will, then, present how the tension between mystical and political reflects upon relations between politics and religion (including the problems of radicalization and re-traditionalization), upon contemporary political conflicts, migrant crises and international security.
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