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MEMPOP: Mnemonic Aesthetics and Strategies in Popular Culture: Murals, Film, and Popular Music as Memory Work

Within the project Aesthetics and Strategies of Remembering in Popular Culture: murals, film and popular music as memory work (MEMPOP), researchers will develop an innovative interdisciplinary and transmedia approach to the analysis of collective memory; in particular, they will aim to explore different strategies used by producers and curators of popular culture interested in collective memory, and the aesthetics of such popular cultural forms.

A bilateral, cross-border project, bringing together interdisciplinary teams of researchers at the Cultural Studies departments of the University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Arts) and the University of Rijeka (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences), MEMPOP will address this major theoretical and methodological challenge by zooming in on the memory of the 1990s in the post-Yugoslav space, and developing a digital platform allowing for simultaneous research into different popular cultural forms.

The project MEMPOP is financed by ARIS-HRZZ (WEAVE joint project scheme, no. J7-50215).

Learn more about this project on the link


Back to list of notificationsPublished: 12. December 2023 | Category: Projekti