News and notifications
For the period:
Trial access to PsycTests
The database serves as a repository for the full text (when available) of psychological tests and measures as well as a source of structured information about tests of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
13. September 2023 | Testni dostop
Access to De Gruyter eBooks
De Gruyter eBooks (EBA - All eBooks Collection) is a collection of more than 130,000 scientific and professional books published by more than 40 reputable publishers (e.g. New York University Press, De Gruyter, Harvard University Press, University of California Press, Yale University Press).
05. July 2023 | Testni dostop
Trial access to Sociology Source Ultimate
Sociology Source Ultimate is a sociology database that brings together article data from over 3,200 mostly peer-reviewed journals. The collection also includes over 2100 videos. Trial access is available until 2nd June 2023.
05. May 2023 | FDV, Testni dostop
Trial access to EIU Viewpoint
EIU Viewpoint is an e-resource that provides insight into political and economic data and its analysis. Available until 28th of April 2023.
14. April 2023 | Testni dostop
Trial access to Taylor & Francis eBooks
Taylor & Francis eBooks is an online digital platform that offers a comprehensive collection of eBooks written by a world-renowned and award-winning network of editors and authors. Trial access available till 30th April 2023.
05. April 2023 | Testni dostop
Trial access to EUobserver
EUobserver is a European online newspaper, launched in 2000 by the Brussels-based organisation ASBL.
23. February 2023 | Testni dostop