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International Summer School of Political Ecology 2023 - Overcoming the Inequalities of Green Transition

The International Summer School of Political Ecology 2023 will explore growing inequalities within and between countries, and how our societies and economy can be organised in ways that do not exacerbate these inequalities, but also do not further harm our planet.

Reasons to join us: 

  • earn credits through accredited participation for PhD and Master students (10 ECTS / 6 ECTS),
  • immerse yourself in cutting-edge green transition research with leading international and Slovene researchers and practitioners,
  • develop critical thinking on inequalities of green transition, 
  • enjoy summer school without fees and
  • engage in interactive activities in the evenings, as well as discover Ljubljana.

The Summer School of Political Ecology will take place from 21 to 25 August 2023, at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

You can find all the information about the programme of Summer School and its interesting guests here

program ang kolaž

Back to list of notificationsPublished: 18. April 2023