Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Dr. Miroslav Stanojević, Professor

General Information
  • Dr. Miroslav Stanojević, Professor
      Phone: +386 1 58 05 221
      Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@civejonats.valsorim
      Office Hours:

      DS 09
      Expert sphere:
    • Miroslav Stanojević, Professor PhD

      Professor of Industrial Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana; between 2009-2020 head of the Organisations and Human Resources Research Centre at the Faculty of social sciences, University of Ljubljana.  

      He holds a PhD in Sociology from University of Ljubljana and a BA and MA in Political Sciences from University of Belgrade. In his doctoral thesis, he dealt with the notions of ‘capitalist mode of production’ and ‘division of labour’.

      His research includes the sociology of work and industrial relations, the marketization of state regulated societies and the transformation of industrial relations in Slovenia. He is engaged in networks dealing with trade unions, employment relations and HRM researches in EU and Central and Eastern European Countries. Since 1993 has been included in pedagogical process being responsible for Industrial Relations courses within the Faculty’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.  

      Recent publications:  
       1. STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav, KRAŠOVEC, Alenka. The crisis and the changing nature of political exchange in Slovenia. V: EBBINGHAUS, Bernhard (ur.). The role of social partners in managing Europe's great recession : crisis corporatism or corporatism in crisis?. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2022. Str. 212-234, ilustr. Routledge studies in the political economy of the welfare state. ISBN 978-1-032-02984-9, ISBN 1-032-02984-6, ISBN 978-1-032-02974-0, ISBN 1-032-02974-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 74308099]

      2. STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav. Slovenia: neo-corporatism under the neo-liberal turn. Employee relations, ISSN 0142-5455, 2018, vol. 40, no. 4, str. 709-724, doi: 10.1108/ER-01-2017-0008. [COBISS.SI-ID 35648605]
      3. STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav, KANJUO-MRČELA, Aleksandra, BREZNIK, Maja. Slovenia at thecrossroads : increasing dependence on supranational institutions and the weakening ofsocial dialogue. European journal of industrial relations, ISSN 0959-6 8 0 1 . P r i n t ed . , S e p . 2 0 1 6 , v o l . 2 2 , n o . 3 , s t r . 2 8 1 - 2 9 4 , d o i :10.1177/0959680116643205. [COBISS.SI-ID 34212445].

       4. STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav. Sindikalne strategije v obdobju krize. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja, ISSN 0040-3598, maj-jun. 2015, letn. 52, št. 3, str. 394-416, 564, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 4017608]

       5. STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav. Conditions for a neoliberal turn : the cases of Hungary and
      Slovenia. European journal of industrial relations, ISSN 0959-6801. Junij 2014, let. 20,
      št. 2, st r. 97-112, doi: 10.1177/0959680113515609. [COBISS.SI-ID 32731229]
       6. STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav, KLARIČ, Matej. The impact of socio-economic shocks on social dialogue in Slovenia. Transfer, 2013, vol. 19, no. 2, str. 217-226. [COBISS.SI-ID 31978333] 
       7.  STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav. The rise and decline of Slovenian corporatism: local and European factors. Eur.-Asia stud., Jul. 2012, vol. 64, no. 5, str. 857-877. [COBISS.SI-ID 31346781], 
       8. CROWLEY, Stephen, STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav. Varieties of capitalism, power resources, and historical legacies: explaining the Slovenian exception. Polit. soc., 2011, vol. 39, no. 2, str. 268-295, tabele, graf. prikazi, doi: 10.1177/0032329211405440. [COBISS.SI-ID 30330717], 
       9. STANOJEVIĆ, Miroslav, KRAŠOVEC, Alenka. Slovenia: social pacts and political exchange. V: AVDAGIC, Sabina (ur.), RHODES, Martin (ur.), VISSER, Jelle (ur.). Social pacts in Europe: emergence, evolution, and institutionalization. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011, str. 232-256. [COBISS.SI-ID 30439005]