Skoči do osrednje vsebine

Dr. Matija Rojec, Senior Research Fellow

General Information
  • Dr. Matija Rojec, Senior Research Fellow
      Phone: +386 1 58 05 195
      Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@cejor.ajitam
      Office Hours:

      B 108
      Expert sphere:







      Curriculum Vitae

        Insert photograph. Remove heading if not relevant (see instructions)



      Personal information


      First name(s) / Surname(s)

      Rojec, Matija


      46, Soška, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


      Fixed: (386-1) 478 10 03

      Mobile:(386-41) 46 21 52



      (386-1) 478 10 70








      Date of birth








      Desired employment / Occupational field

      Research professor, economics



      Work experience





      1999 – 2016

      Occupation or position held

      Research professor

      Main activities and responsibilities

      Research, teaching, policy consultancy in development economics, internationalisation, EU integration, transition economics, structural reforms, foreign direct investment

      Name and address of employer

      University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences

      Type of business or sector

      Public, university





      Occupation or position held


      Main activities and responsibilities

      Research, policy consulting in structural reforms related to transition and EU integration, development strategies, EU integration

      Name and address of employer

      Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development

      Type of business or sector






      Occupation or position held

      Head of Department

      Main activities and responsibilities

      Internationalisation, development related issues

      Name and address of employer

      Centre for Int’l Cooperation & Development, Ljubljana

      Type of business or sector

      Public institute



      Education and training






      Title of qualification awarded

      Ph. D in Economics

      Principal subjects/occupational skills covered


      Name and type of organisation providing education and training

      University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



      Title of qualification awarded

      M.A. in Economics

      Principal subjects/occupational skills covered


      Name and type of organisation providing education and training

      University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



      Title of qualification awarded

      B.A. in Economics

      Principal subjects/occupational skills covered


      Name and type of organisation providing education and training

      University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



      Personal skills and competences




      Mother tongue(s)




      Other language(s)







      European level (*)




      Spoken interaction

      Spoken production





      Proficient user


      Proficient user


      Proficient user


      Proficient user


      Proficient user




      Independent user


      Independent user


      Basic user


      Basic user


      Basic user




      Proficient user


      Proficient user


      Proficient user


      Proficient user


      Proficient user


      (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages





      Organisational skills and competences

      Coordination of numerous international and domestic research projects (see the list under ‘Additional information’).



      Computer skills and competences

      good command of MS Office tools, Internet, e-communication



      Driving licence

      No driving license



      Additional information





      Key qualifications :

      -     Coordinated and participated in more than 20 international research and consulting projects in the field of FDI, internationalisation, transfer of technology, transition, EU integration etc. (in the framework of Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Framework Programs, PHARE-ACE, OECD Development Centre, OECD – Investment Compact, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNIDO, UNECE, UNU/WIDER, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Central and Eastern European Privatization Network, International Center for Economic Growth). Among other, he coordinated the following projects: (i) (jointly with Slavica Penev) National measures providing exceptions to national treatment in South-East European countries, prepared for OECD and Stability Pact. 2002-2003; (ii) Slovenia: Foreign Direct Investment Review, prepared for Ministry of Economy as a background paper for Slovenia’s observer status in Committee for International Investment and Multinational Enterprises of OECD. 2001-2002; (iii) (jointly with M. Mrak and J. Šušteršič) Slovenia in the European Union: Strategy of Economic Development of Slovenia 2001-2006, Ljubljana: Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, 2001.

      -     Consultant to various ministries and agencies of the Slovenian government in various occasions related to FDI: preparation of the legislation, policy measures and promotional material related to FDI, reports on FDI in Slovenia for the government, presentations of FDI opportunities and legal framework in Slovenia on various business meetings/conferences, negotiating the GATS, etc.

      -     Heavily engaged in Slovenia’s activities related to the EU accession process and Slovenia’s reform process, inter alia, coordination (jointly with M. Mrak and J. Potočnik) of the EU Accession Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia: Economic and Social Part. Ljubljana: Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, 1997.

      -     Participated in the preparation of the Slovenia’s Development Strategy adopted in 2006 by the Slovenian government and in the Reform Council activities, which has prepared the policy measures for the realisation of the strategy.

      -     Engaged in a number of assigments in the countries of Western Balkans.


      Specific country experience:

      -     for the Slovenian Government, EU Accession Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia: Economic and Social Part (1997),

      -     for the Slovenian Government, Joint Assessment of Medium-Term Economic Policy Priorities of Slovenia (1998),

      -     for the Slovenian Government, Slovenia: Foreign Direct Investment Review, prepared for Ministry of Economy as a background paper for Slovenia’s observer status in Committee for International Investment and Multinational Enterprises of OECD. 2001-2002.

      -     for the Slovenian Government, Slovenia in the European Union: Strategy of Economic Development of Slovenia (2000-2001).

      -     for OECD and Stability Pact, National measures providing exceptions to national treatment in South-East European countries, prepared (2002-2003).

      -     for the Macedonian Government (as a part of the UK consultancy services), economic part of the EU accession Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia (2003)

      -     for the Government of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (as part of the consultancy consortium led by NEI-Ecorys and financed by the European Commission), a support for the Economic Policy Planning Unit is being provided (2005 – 2007)

      -     for the authorities in Kosovo (as part of the UK consultancy assistance), training of officials for the preparaton of the Kosova Development Strategy (2006)   

      -     for the Serbian Government (Republic Bureau for Development), a support in the preparation of the Strategy of Economic Development (2006)

      -     for the Montenegrian Government within the Twinning project of the Slovenian and French Governments for the Institutional Capacity Building Regarding the European Integration Process in Serbia and Montenegro (2006-2008)

      -     for the Montenegrian Government, assistance in the preparation of 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Economic and Fiscal programme for the European Commission,

      -     briefing for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (made under the framework contract with the Trans European Policy Studies Association - TEPSA) on the The Russian Economic Penetration in Montenegro (2007),

      -     for the Macedonian Government Technical Assistance in Measurement of Competitiveness Indicators of Macedonia’s Economy, within the World Bank financed BERIS: Business Environment Reform and Institutional Strengthening Project (2008-2009).

      -     for the Macedonian Government consultant to UNCTAD in the preparation of the Investment Policy Review: The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2010).

      -     for the Montenegrin Government, lead expert in UNDP financed project 'Assistance to the Department for improving the business environment of the Ministry of Finance in establishing a system for regular monitoring of the country's international competitiveness' (2010).

      -     Activities of Centre for Strategic Economic Studies (CESS) in Vojvodina (2008-2010).

      -     for the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments regular annual survey of business climate perception among foreign subsidiaries in Slovenia (2008-2015), expertise on the “competitive advantages of Slovenia as an Foreign Investment Location” (2009-2014).

      -     for the Ministry of Economy of Slovenia “Comparison of Effectiveness of Investmnent Incentives in Slovenia and Abroad” (2006).

      -     for the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments analysis of the effectiveness of foreign investment promotion measures of Slovenia (2011).

      -     for Centre for Strategic Economic Studies (CESS, Novi Sad) participation in the preparation of the Strategy for Export Improvement of the AP Vojvodina 2011-2015 (2011),

      -     for the Montenegrian Government, assistance in the preparation of 2012 Pre-Accession Economic Programme for the European Commission (2011).

      -     for The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) participation at the capacity building programme "Foreign direct Investment Policies" for the representatives of South Eastern and Eastern Eurpean countries' governments (2003-2013).

      -     participation in the Twinning Project BA09 IB OT 02 Strengthening the National Planning Process in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014).

      -     for the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Development, Investment and Tourism (SPIRIT) a research on the Integration of Slovenian Enterprises in Global Supply Chains (2014).

      -     for the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Development, Investment and Tourism (SPIRIT) a research on the Identification of Target Groups of Companies for Internationalsation Promotion Programmes (2012).

      -     for the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Development, Investment and Tourism (SPIRIT) the Analysis of the Slovenian Business Zones from the Point of View of Foreign Investors and Identification of the Most Suitable Business Zones for Foreign Investors (2013).


      Coordination of projects (selected only)

      Capabilities and opportunities of Slovenia and its actors within the globalisation processes, Research Programme PA-0177; financed by the Public Agency for the Research Activity of the Republic of Slovenia; 2013-.

      Needs and ways of small economies to increase international competitiveness in the post-crises global and EU context, Bilateral Serbia-Slovenia Research Project of the Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade and Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, BI-RS/12-13-032; financed by the Public Agency for the Research Activity of the Republic of Slovenia and Serbian Ministry of Education and Sciences; 2012-2013.

      Determinants of foreign direct investment in and from Slovenia and identification of economic policy measures for the promotion of inward and outward internationalisation of Slovenia. Project V5-1009 in the framework of the Targeted Research Programme ‘Competitiveness of Slovenia 2007-2013’, financed by the Public Agency for the Research Activity of the Republic of Slovenia and Ministry of Economy. Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, 2010-2012.

      Analysis of Business Environment for Foreign Investment Enterprises in Slovenia. Prepared for the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepeneurship and Foreign Investment. Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, 2008-2014.

      Analysis of the 'FDI Co-financing Grant Scheme' of the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepeneurship and Foreign Investment. Prepared for the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepeneurship and Foreign Investment. Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, 2011.

      How to Increase the Efficiency of Allocation of Public Funds for Upgrading Slovenian Competitiveness: Analysis of the Impact of State Aids on Competition. Project V5-0408 in the framework of the Targeted Research Programme ‘Competitiveness of Slovenia 2007-2013’, financed by the Public Agency for the Research Activity of the Republic of Slovenia and Ministry of Finance. Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, 2008-2010.

      How to Increase the Efficiency of Allocation of Public Funds for Upgrading Slovenian Competitiveness: Analysis of the Efficiency of State Aids and Proposals for Its Improvements. Project V5-0201 in the framework of the Targeted Research Programme ‘Competitiveness of Slovenia 2007-2013’, financed by the Public Agency for the Research Activity of the Republic of Slovenia and Ministry of Finance. Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, 2006-2008.

      Comparative Analysis of Efficiency of Different Forms of FDI Incentives in Slovenia and Abroad. Prepared for the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Slovenia. Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, 2006.

      Strenghtening the Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment. Project V5-0923 in the framework of the Targeted Research Programme ‘Competitiveness of Slovenia 2001-2006’, financed by the Public Agency for the Research Activity of the Republic of Slovenia. Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, 2004-2006.

      (jointly with Peter Stanovnik) Background expertise for the preparation of the ‘FDI Promotion Programme of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia’. Prepared for the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institute for Economic Research, 2004.

      (jointly with Slavica Penev) National measures providing exceptions to national treatment in South-East European countries, prepared for OECD and Stability Pact. 2002-2003.

      Slovenia: Foreign Direct Investment Review, prepared for Ministry of Economy as a background paper for Slovenia’s observer status in Committee for International Investment and Multinational Enterprises of OECD. 2001-2002.

      (jointly with Mojmir Mrak and Janez Šušteršič) Slovenia in the European Union: Strategy of Economic Development of Slovenia, Ljubljana: Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, 2000-2001.

      (jointly with M. Mrak and J. Potočnik) EU Accession Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia: Economic and Social Part. Ljubljana: Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, 1997.

      (jointly with V. Bobek, J. Potočnik, V. Ravbar, P. Stanovnik, and F. Štiblar). Strategy of International Economic Relations of Slovenia: From Associated to Full-Fledged Membership in the European Union. Ljubljana: Ministry of Economic relations and Development, 1996.

      Foreign Direct Investment and Privatization in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Concepts, Experiences and Policy Issues in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia. ACE Project ACE-92-0108-R. Participating institutes: European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht; University of Reading, Reading; Budapest University of Economics, Budapest; Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) Scientific Foundation, Warsaw; Economics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1993-1995.

      The Role of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Transformation of Socialist into Market Economy: The Case of Slovenia. ACE Project ERB4012PL91004. Participating institutes: European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht; IFO, Munchen, 1991-1993.

      Privatization through Foreign Direct Investment in Slovenia. In cooperation with International Center for Economic Growth (ICEG), San Francisco, 1993-1994.

      Deputy director of the UNDP Project Foreign Investment in Yugoslavia - Strengthening of CICD (DP/YUG/87/010); 1987-1991.


      Participation in international projects (selected only)

      Growth – Innovation – Competitiveness: Fostering Cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe (GRINCOH) - Collaborative medium-scale focused research project within Seventh Framework Programme, Coordinated by University of Warsaw, Centre for Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), Grzegorz Gorzelak, 2012-2015.

      The Impact of Service Sector Innovation and Internationalisation on Growth and Productivity (SERVICEGAP) – Collaborative Project within Seventh Framework Programme, Coordinated by University of Birmingham, Mary O’Mahony, 2010-.

      Investment Policy Review: The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, UNCTAD (2010).

      Innovation Cooperation and Innovation Activity: Firm level evidence from Slovenia; Project within the World Bank scheme Global Development Network Regional Research Competition, 2006-2008.

      International Fragmentation of Production and Firm Productivity: In Search of Focus Effect; Project within the World Bank scheme Global Development Network Regional Research Competition, 2007-2009.

      Understanding the Relationship between Knowledge and Competitiveness in the Enlarging European Union, Sixth Framework Programme – Specific Trageted Research or Innovation Project (Contract no. 028519), Coordinated by Halle Institute for Economic Research, Johannes Stephan, 2006-2009.

      Technical Assistance in Measurement of Competitiveness Indicators of Macedonia’s Economy. Prepared within BERIS project: Business Environment Reform and Institutional Strengthening Project, financed by the World Bank (IBRD Loan 4793-MK), Institute of Economic Research, Ljubljana.

      Participation in the work od the European monitoring centre on change (EMCC) of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, related to company restructuring processes in Slovenia, 2006-2007.

      Structural Specialisation and Technological Development in Accession Candidates: EU Integration and the Prospects for the Closure of the Productivity Gap, Fifth Framework Program project (Contract no. HPSE-CT-2001-00065), Coordinated by Halle Institute for Economic Research, Johannes Stephan, 2001-2004

      Employment Practices in German and US companies in Central and Eastern Europe, UK Government sponsored project (ESRC Award RES-000-23-0030), Coordinated by Guglielmo Meardi, Warwick Business School, 2004-2005

      National Bank of Austria’s Jubiläumsfonds Project No. 9958: ‘Are the geese flying?’ Comparing the industrial restructuring role of FDI in the countries of South-East Asia and Central Europe, Coordinated by Gabor Hunya, The Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW), 2003-2004.

      EU-integration-driven investment networking: Outward foreign direct investment of candidate countries, PHARE-ACE research project P98-1162-R. Coordinated by Marjan Svetličič, Faculty of Social Sciences Ljubljana, 2001-

      Central and Eastern Europe in EU Enterprises’ Strategy of Industrial restructuring and Relocation, European Trade Union Confederation, 2000-2001.

      Impact of foreign direct investment on the international competitiveness of CEEC manufacturing and EU enlargement; PHARE-ACE research project P97-8112-R. Coordinated by Gabor Hunya, The Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW), 1999-2001.

      Multinational firms and vertical restraints in eastern Europe, and EU enlargement: problems for competition policy; PHARE-ACE research project P97-8122-R. Coordinator Jochen Lorentzen, Copenhagen Business School, 1999-2001.

      Outward internationalisation facilitating transformation and EU accession; the case of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia; PHARE-ACE research project P97-8073-R. Coordinator Marjan Svetličič, Faculty of Social Sciences Ljubljana, 1999-

      Impact of foreign direct investment on efficiency and growth in CEEC manufacturing; ACE research project P96-6183R. Coordinated by Gabor Hunya, The Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies (WIIW), 1996-1998

      East West Trade Bilateralism and Patterns of Foreign Direct Investment in Europe: What is the Link. ACE-R-2152-R. Coordinator Jochen Lorentzen, 1995-1998.

      Export-Oriented Industrial Collaboration in Yugoslavia. Study prepared for the UNCTAD. Ljubljana. 1991. 159 p.

      Technological Transformation of the Third World: Progress Achieved and Problems Faced - Case Study of Yugoslavia. UNU/WIDER Project. Ljubljana.1988. 117 p.

      New Forms of Equity Investment by Yugoslav Firms in Developing Countries. Ljubljana: OECD Development Centre 1985.

      Joint Ventures through Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries and their Economic Potentials. INT/80/910, TCDC/2/INF.6, UNDP 1981.


      Main publications:

      Books & contributions to books

      (with M. Mrak). 2013. EU accession as an instrument of speeding up transition. V Gerard Turley in Paul G. Hare (eds.), The Economics and Political Economy of Transition. Abingdon: Routledge. Pp. 198-205.

      (with M. Bučar and M. Stare) 2012. Backward FDI linkages as a channel for transferring technology and building innovation capability - the case of Slovenia. In H. Hveem and C.H. Knutsen (eds.), Technology, Innovation and Governance. Abingdon: Routledge. Pp. 218-237

      (with Č. Kostevc and T. Redek) 2011. Scope and Efficiency of Foreign Direct Investment Policies in Transition Economies. V E. Rugraff, M.W. Hansen (ur.), Multinational Corporationss and Local Firms in Emerging Economies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Pp. 155-179.

      (with J. Damijan and Č. Kostevc). 2011. Innovation and Firms’ Productivity Growth in Slovenia: Sensitivity of Results to Sectoral Heterogeneity and to Estimation Method. In: P. Nijkamp and I. Siedschlag (eds.). Innovation, Growth and Competitiveness. Heidelberg: Springer. Pp. 163-192.

      (with S. Penev) 2011. Attractiveness of Western Balkan Countries for FDI. In M. Radović-Marković, S. Redžepagić, J. Sousa Andrade, P. Teixeira (eds.), Serbia and the European Union: economic lessons from the new member states. Coimbra: University of Coimbra.

       (with J. Damijan, Č. Kostevc and A. Jaklič) 2010. Knowledge spillovers, innovation and firm-level productivity growth in Slovenia. In D. Dyker (ed.). Network dynamics in emerging regions of Europe. London: Imperial College Press. Pp. 255-275.

      (with A. Jaklič and M. Svetličič) 2009. Upgrading the international competitiveness of a transition economy: Slovenia in the European and global economy. In Daniel Van Den Bulcke, Alain Verbeke and Wenlong Yuan (eds.), Handbook on Small Nations in the Global Economy: The Contribution of Multinational Enterprises to National Economic Success. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Str. 87-134.

      (with M. Ferjančič) 2009. Overview of export performance of ‘New Europe’. In J. Winiecki (ed.), Competitiveness of New Europe. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. 15-51.

      (with J. Šušteršič and K. Korenika, editors) 2006. Slovenia’s Development Strategy. Ljubljana: Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development.

      (with S. Penev and M. Svetličič) 2006. Policy elements for increasing foreign direct investment in South East Europe: Lessons from Slovenia and other advanced transition countries. V Radmila Jovančević and Željko Šević (eds.) Foreign Direct Investment Policies in South East Europe. Greenwich: Greenwich University Press. Pp. 209-229.

      (with J.P Damijan and A. Jaklič) 2006. Do External Knowledge Spillovers Induce Firms' Innovations? Evidence from Slovenia. V Ana Teresa Tavares and Aurora Teixeira (eds.), Multinationals, Clusters and Innovation: Does Public Policy Matter? Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Pp. 27-47.

      (with B. Majcen and S. Radošević) 2006. Analyzing FDI in Central-East Europe on the Basis of Sample Surveys. V David Dyker (ed.), Closing the EU East-West Productivity Gap: Foreign Direct Investment, Competitiveness and Public Policy. London: Imperial College Press. Pp. 35-69.

      (with M. Ferjančič) 2006. Overview of export Performance of ‘New Europe’: Theoretical Underpinnings and Empirical Evidence. In J. Winiecki (ed.), Competitiveness of ‘New Europe’: Trade Performance and Its Underpinnings, Papers from the Second Lancut Economic Forum on ‘New Europe’. Rzeszow: The University of Information Technology. Pp. 19-56.

      (with J. Damijan) 2004. Foreign Direct Investment and the Catching-up Process in New EU Member States: Is There a Flaying Geese Pattern? WIIW Research Reeports, No. 310. Vienna: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW).

      (with M. Mrak and C: Silva-Jauregui, editors). 2004. Slovenia: From Yugoslavia to the European Union. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

      (with M. Simoneti and A. Gregorič) 2004. Privatization, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance of the Enterprise Sector. In Mojmir Mrak, Matija Rojec, Carlos Silva-Jauregui (eds.), Slovenia: From Yugoslavia to the European Union. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, pp. 224-243.

      (with A. Jaklič) 2004. Integration of Slovenia into EU and global industrial networks. V Francis McGowan, Slavo Radošević, Nick von Tunzelmann (eds.), The Emerging Industrial Structure of the Wider Europe. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 158-174.

      (with M. Svetličič) 2003. Facilitating Transition by Internationalization. Aldershot: Ashgate.

      (with M. Svetličič) 2002. The Global Economy, Security, and Small States Aspiring for NATO Membership. In Zlatko Šabič and Charles Bukowski (eds.), Small States in the Post-Cold War World: Slovenia and NATO Enlargement. Westport: Praeger, pp. 129-144.

      (with J. Šušteršič and M. Mrak) 2001. Slovenia in the New Decade: Sustainability, Competitiveness, Membership in the EU – The Strategy for the Economic development of Slovenia 2001-2006. Ljubljana: Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development.

      (with P. Artisien-Maksimenko, eds.). 2001. Foreign Investment and Privatization in Eastern Europe. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave.

      (with M. Simoneti & M. Rems). 2001. Enterprise Sector Restructuring in a Small Economy: The Case of Slovenia. V Dominick Salvatore, Marjan Svetličič and Jože P. Damijan (eds.), Small Countries in a Global Economy. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 181-207.

      1. Restructuring and efficiency upgrading with FDI. Integration Through Foreign Direct Investment (edited by Gabor Hunya). Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar in association with The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), pp. 130-149.
      2. Slovenia. Multinationals in Eastern Europe (edited by P. Artisien-Maksimenko). London: Macmillan Press Ltd. pp. 166-182.

      (with M. Mrak and J. Potočnik). 1998 Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia: for Accession to the European Union - Economic and Social Part. Ljubljana : Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development.

      (with V. Bobek, J. Potočnik, V. Ravbar, M. Rojec, P. Stanovnik, F. Štiblar) 1996. Slovenia - Strategy of International Economic Relations: From Associated to Full-Fledged Membership in the European Union. Ljubljana: Ministry of Economic Relations and Development.

      (with J.H. Dunning). 1994. Foreign Privatization in Central and Eastern Europe. CEEPN Technical Paper Series, No.2. Ljubljana: Central & Eastern European Privatization Network.

      (with P. Artisien and C.H. McMillan). 1992. Yugoslav Multinationals Abroad. London: The MacMillan Press Ltd.

      (with P. Artisien and M. Svetličič; editors). 1993. Foreign Investment in Central and Eastern Europe. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd.



      (with J. Damijan, S. Haller, V. Kaitila, Č. Kostevc, M. Maliranta, E. Milet and D. Mirza). 2015. The performance of trading firms in the services sectors – Comparable evidence from four EU countries. The World Economy, 38(12): 1809-1849.

      (with J. Damijan and Č. Kostevc). 2015. Bright past, shady future? Past and potential future export performance of CEE countries in a comparative perspective. Forthcoming in Post-Communist Economies, 27(3):

      (with J. Damijan and Č. Kostevc). 2014. Growing lemons or cherries? 2014. Pre- and post-acqusition performance of foregn-acquired firms in new EU member states. The World Economy, 38(4): 751-772.

      1. A snapshot of the main ownership features of the Slovenian corporate sector. IB Revija, 48(1): 43-59.

      (with S. Haller, J. Damijan, V. Kaitila, Č. Kostevc, M. Maliranta, E. Milet, D. Mirza). 2014. Trading Firms in the Services Sectors – comparable evidence from four EU countries. Review of World Economics, 150(3): 471-505.

      (with A. Jaklič). 2014. Changing patterns in Slovenian inward and outward FDI after the accession to the EU. Studia Historica Slovenica, 14(1): 157-176.

      (with A. Burger and A. Jaklič) 2013. The quest for more efficient R&D Subsidies: Examining Dynamic Effects. Eastern European Economics, 51 (4): 5-26.

      (with J. Damijan, B. Majcen and M. Knell) 2013. Impact of Firm Heterogeneity on Direct and Spillover Effects of FDI: Micro Evidence from Ten Transition Countries. Journal of Comparative Economics, 41(3): 895-922.

      (with B. Jindra) 2013. FDI and Technological Change – is there a need for government intervention in transition economies? Forthcoming in Journal of Knowledge Economy.

      (with A. Burger and A. Jaklič) 2012. Effectiveness of Investment Incentives: The case of Slovenian 'FDI Co-financing Grant Scheme’. Post-Communist Economies, 24 (3): 383-401.

      (with J.P. Damijan and Č. Kostevc) 2012. Does Innovation Help the Good or the Poor Performing Firms? Economics Letters, 115 (2012): 190-195.

      (with J. Šušteršič, S. Kurdija, S. Sedmak) 2011. Dejavniki odnosa državljanov do strukturnih reform: Primer pokojninske reforme v Sloveniji (Factors of public attitude to structural reforms: the case of Pension Reform in Slovenia). Javnost-The Public, 18 (5): S45-S64.

      (with J. Damijan and M. Ferjančič) 2011. Growing export performance of transition economies: EU market access versus supply capacity factors. Panoeconomices, 58 (4): 489-509.

      (with M. Bučar and M. Stare) 2009. Backward FDI linkages as a channel for transferring technology and building innovation capability: The case of Slovenia. European Journal of Development Research, 21 (1): 137-153.

      (with B. Majcen and S. Radošević) 2009. Nature and determinants of productivity growth in foreign subsidiaries in Central and East European countries. Economic Systems, 33 (2): 168-184.

      (with A. Burger and A. Jaklič) 2008. Exporting and Company Performance in Slovenia: Self-Selection and/or Learning by Exporting? Forthcoming in Ekonomicky casopis, 2/2008.

      (with J.P. Damijan) 2008. Relocation via FDI from Old to New EU Member States: Scale and structural dimension of the process. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 19 (1): 53-65.

      (with B. Rajgelj) 2007. The employment-related legal and policy framework for company restructuring in Slovenia. South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs (SEER), 10 (3): 41-56.

      (with J.P. Damijan) 2007. EU market access and export performance of transition countries. South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 2 (2): 31-42.

      (with J.P. Damijan) 2007. Foreign direct investment and catching up of new EU member states: Is there a Flying Geese Pattern? Applied Economics Quarterly, 53 (2): 91-118.

      (with B. Majcen, A. Jaklič and S. Radošević) 2005. Productivity Growth and Functional Upgrading in Foreign Subsidiaries in the Slovenian Manufacturing Sector. Journal of East-West Economics and Business, 8 (1 & 2): 73-100.

      (with M. Simoneti, J.P. Damijan, B. Majcen) 2005. Case-by-Case Versus Mass Privatization in Transition Economies: Initial Owner and Final Seller Effects on Performance of Firms in Slovenia. World Development, 33, no.10, pp. 1603-1625.

      Balance of privatisation policies related to foreign direct investment in the transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Pap. este transic. poscomunistas, 2005, vol. 10.

      (with J. Šušteršič, B. Vasle, M. Bednaš, S. Jurančič) 2004. The Rise and Decline of Gradualism in Slovenia. Post-Communist Economies, 16, no. 4, pp. 459-482.

      (with J. Damijan and B. Majcen) 2004. Export propensity of Estonian and Slovenian manufacturing firms: Does foreign ownership matter? Eastern European Economics, 42, no. 4, pp. 33-54.

      (with J. Lorentzen, P. Mollgaard) 2003. Host-country absorption of technology: Evidence from automotive supply networks in Eastern Europe. Industry and Innovation, 10, no. 4.

      (with J. Damijan, M. Knell, B. Majcen) 2003. The role of FDI, R&D accumulation and trade in transferring technology to transition countries: evidence from firm panel data for eight transition countries. Economic Systems, 27, Issue 2 (June 2003), pp. 189-204.

      (with J. Damijan, B. Majcen) 2002. Foreign Ownership and Export Propensity: The Slovenian Experience. Prague Economic Papers, 11, no. 4, pp. 339-355.

      (with M. Mrak and J. Potočnik) 2002. The Transition Process in Slovenia: Transformation to an EU-Compatible Economy. Journal of International Relations and Development, 5, no. 1, pp. 37-62.

      (with M. Simoneti and M. Rems) 2001. Ownership Structure and Post-Privatisation Performance and Restructuring of the Slovenian Non-Financial Corporate Sector. Journal of East-West Business, 7, no. 2, pp. 7-36.

      1. The restructuring of firms in foreign privatizations in Central and Eastern European countries. Transnational Corporations, 10, no. 3 (December), pp. 1-24.
      2. Subsidiary Exports: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence. Journal of International Relations and Development, 3, no. 2, June, pp. 128-152.

      (with M. Svetličič). 1998. Kolektor. Eastern European Economics, 36, no. 6, November-December, pp. 5-28.

      (with M. Svetličič). 1998. Sarrio Slovenija Ltd. - Cartonboard-producing company in the control of Saffa S.p.A. from Italy. Eastern European Economics, 36, no. 6, November-December, pp. 29-54.

      (with M. Svetličič). 1998. Tobačna Ljubljana, d.o.o. - Cigarette producing company with the majority share of Reemtsma, Germany, and Seita, France. Eastern European Economics, 36, no. 6, November-December, pp. 55-97.

      (with J. Lorentzen and P. Moellgaard). 1998. Globalisation in Emerging Markets: Does Foreign Capital in Central Europe Promote Innovation. Journal of International Relations and Development. 1, no. 1-2 (1998), pp. 84-105.

      (with M. Svetličič). 1994. Foreign Direct Investment and the Transformation of Central European Economies. Management International Review, Stuttgart, 34, 4, pp. 293-312.

      (with M. Svetlicic) 1993. Foreign investment in Slovenia: experience, prospects and policy options. Communist economies, 5, 1, pp. 103-114.