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Nove knjige ODKJG - september 2014

Nove knjige ODKJG-september 2014


Nove knjige ODKJG-september 2014


BUI, Yvonne N.
        How to write a master's thesis / Yvonne N. Bui. - 2nd ed. - Los Angeles [etc.] : Sage, 2014. - XVIII, 313 str.

Bibliografija: str. 295-299. - Kazali. - Vsebina: Overview of the master's degree and thesis ; Selecting a research topic ; Using the literature to research your problem ; Conducting ethical research ; How to write chaper one, introduction ; How to write chapter two, literature review ; How to write chapter three, methods ; How to write chapter four, results ; How to write chapter five, discussion ; Final formatting, APA style

Č 001.81 BUI, Y. N. How U 001.81 BUI, Y. N. How
COBISS.SI-ID 32850269

        Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches / John W. Creswell. - 4th ed. - Thousand Oaks [etc.] : Sage, cop. 2014. - XXV, 273 str.

Bibliografija: str. 251-260. - Kazalo

Č 001.81 CRESWELL, J. W. Research U 001.81 CRESWELL, J. W. Research
COBISS.SI-ID 1536570308

EVANS, David G.
        How to write a better thesis / David Evans, Paul Gruba, Justin Zobel. - 3rd ed. - Berlin : Springer, 2014, cop. 2011. - XIV, 167 str.

Bibliografija: str. 157-158. - Kazalo

U 001.81 EVANS, D. How
COBISS.SI-ID 32851037

MACHI, Lawrence A.
        The literature review : six steps to success / Lawrence A. Machi, Brenda T. McEvoy. - 2nd ed. - Thousand Oaks (Calif.) : Corwin, 2014, cop. 2012. - XX, 174 str.

Bibliografija: str. 167. - Summary na koncu poglavij. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: Preface ; Introduction ; Step 1 : Select a topic ; Step 2 : Search the literature ; Step 3 : Develop the argument ; Step 4 : Survey the literature ; Step 5 : Critique the literature ; Step 6 : Write the review

U 001.81 MACHI, L. A. Literature
COBISS.SI-ID 32896093

        READINGS in social research methods / [edited by] Diane Kholos Wysocki. - 3rd ed. - Belmont (CA) : Thomson/Wadsworth, cop. 2008. - XIV, 236 str. - (The Wadsworth sociology reader series)

Bibliografija za posameznimi prispevki. - Kazalo

Č 001.81 READINGS Wysocki, D. K.
COBISS.SI-ID 16653064


        Blogs, Wikipedia, Second life, and beyond : from production to produsage / Axel Bruns. - New York [etc.] : P. Lang, cop. 2008. - X, 418 str. - (Digital formations ; vol. 45)

Bibliografija: str. 409-418

U 004.7 BRUNS, A. Blogs
COBISS.SI-ID 239458048

GERBER, Susan B.
        Using SPSS for Windows : data analysis and graphics / Susan B. Gerber, Kristin Voelkl Finn. - 2nd ed. - New York : Springer, 2014. - IX, 227 str.

Dostopno tudi na:
Dostopno tudi na: - Kazalo vsebine. - Kazalo

U 004.4 GERBER, S. B. Using
COBISS.SI-ID 32917853

Ó Dochartaigh, Niall
        Internet research skills / Niall Ó Dochartaigh. - 3rd ed. - Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2012. - XIV, 200 str.

Bibliografija: str. 193-195. - Kazalo

U 004.7 Ó DOCHARTAIGH, N. Internet
COBISS.SI-ID 72664577


DRUCKER, Peter Ferdinand, 1909-2005
        Management cases / Peter F. Drucker, revised and updated by Joseph A. Maciariello. - Rev. ed., 1st Collins Business ed. - New York : Collins Business, 2009. - XIII, 241 str.

Sorodni elektronski vir: - Kazalo vsebine. - Opombe z bibliografijo na dnu str.

Č 005.7 DRUCKER, P. F. Management U 005.7 DRUCKER, P. F. Management
COBISS.SI-ID 32823645

SAATY, Thomas L.
        Fundamentals of decision making and priority theory with the analytic hierarchy process / Thomas L. Saaty. - 2nd ed. - Pittsburgh (PA) : RWS Publications, 2006. - XIV, 478 str. - (AHP series ; vol. 6)

Bibliografija: str. 468-472. - Kazalo

Č 005 SAATY, T. L. Fundamentals U 005 SAATY, T. L. Fundamentals
COBISS.SI-ID 32846941


ALLAN, Stuart, 1962-
        Online news : journalism and the Internet / Stuart Allan. - Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2006. - 208 str.

Bibliografija: str. 191-197. - Kazalo

Č 070 ALLAN, S. Online U 070 ALLAN, S. Online
COBISS.SI-ID 28098053

DIJK, Teun A. van
        News as discourse / Teun A. van Dijk. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2013, cop. 1988. - VIII, 200 str. - (Communication)

Bibliografija: str. 183-192. - Kazali

U 070 DIJK, T. A. VAN News
COBISS.SI-ID 32910685

DIJK, Teun A. van
        News as discourse / Teun A. van Dijk. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2014, cop. 1988. - VIII, 200 str. - (Communication)

Bibliografija: str. 183-192. - Kazali

U 070 DIJK, T. A. VAN News
COBISS.SI-ID 32910429

        The HANDBOOK of global online journalism / edited by Eugenia Siapera, Andreas Veglis. - Malden (MA) ; Oxford ; Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - XVI, 512 str. - (Handbooks in communication and media)

Bibliografija na koncu večine prispevkov. - Kazalo

U 070 HANDBOOK Siapera, E.
COBISS.SI-ID 32832605

KING, Elliot, 1953-
        Free for all : the Internet's transformation of journalism / Elliot King ; foreword by Jeff Jarvis. - Evanston (Ill.) : Northwestern University Press, cop. 2010. - XV, 328 str. - (Visions of the American press)

Bibliografija: str. 305-313. - Kazalo

U 070 KING, E. Free
COBISS.SI-ID 30349917

        The elements of journalism : what newspeople should know and the public should expect / Bill Kovach & Tom Rosenstiel. - Rev. and updated 3rd ed. - New York : Three Rivers, cop. 2014. - XV, 332 str.

Opombe z bibliografijo: str. 305-322. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: Introduction ; What is journalism for? ; Truth: the first and most confusing principle ; Who journalists work for ; Journalism of verification ; Independence from faction ; Monitor power and offer voice to the voiceless ; Journalism as a public forum ; Engagement and relevance ; Make the news comprehensive and proportional ; Journalists have a responsibility to conscience ; The rights and responsibilities of citizens

Č 070.11 KOVACH, B. Elements U 070.11 KOVACH, B. Elements
COBISS.SI-ID 32818013

        Melvin Mencher's News reporting and writing / Melvin Mencher. - 12th ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2011. - XX, 618 str.

Bibliografija pri večini poglavij. - Kazali

Č 070 MENCHER, M. Melvin U 070 MENCHER, M. Melvin
COBISS.SI-ID 1098255710

        RETHINKING journalism : trust and participation in a transformed news landscape / edited by Chris Peters and Marcel Broersma. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2013. - XII, 247 str.

Bibliografija: str. 221-244. - Kazalo

Č 070.11 RETHINKING Peters, C. U 070.11 RETHINKING Peters, C.
COBISS.SI-ID 32872029


        The order of things : an archaeology of the human sciences / Michel Foucault. - Reprinted. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2003, cop. 1970. - XXVI, 422 str.

Prevod dela: Les mots et les choses

K 130.2 FOUCAULT, M. Order
COBISS.SI-ID 32892509


PUNCH, Keith Francis
        Developing effective research proposals / Keith F. Punch. - 2nd ed. - Los Angeles [etc.] : Sage, 2014, cop. 2006. - IX, 164 str.

Sorodni elektronski vir: - Kazalo vsebine. - Bibliografija: str. 158-160. - Kazalo

U 303 PUNCH, K. F. Developing
COBISS.SI-ID 32869469

        The SAGE handbook of online research methods / edited by Nigel Fielding, Raymond M. Lee and Grant Blank. - Los Angeles [etc.] : Sage, 2012, cop. 2008. - XVI, 570 str.

Bibliografija in povzetek v angl. pri vseh prispevkih. - Kazali

U 303 SAGE Fielding, N.
COBISS.SI-ID 32846429

        SOCIOLOGICAL methods : a sourcebook / edited by Norman K. Denzin. - New Brunswick ; London : Aldine Transaction, 2007, cop. 1970. - X, 590 str.

Bibliografija na koncu nekaterih prispevkov. - Kazalo

U 303.4 SOCIOLOGICAL Denzin, N. K.
COBISS.SI-ID 32912477

        SOCIOLOGICAL methods : a sourcebook / edited by Norman K. Denzin. - New Brunswick ; London : Aldine Transaction, 2009, cop. 1970. - X, 590 str.

Bibliografija na koncu nekaterih prispevkov. - Kazalo

U 303.4 SOCIOLOGICAL Denzin, N. K.
COBISS.SI-ID 32912733


        INTRODUCING the new sexuality studies / edited by Steven Seidman, Nancy Fischer and Chet Meeks. - 2nd ed. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2011. - XVI, 571 str.

Bibliografija pri večini prispevkov. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: pt. 1. Sex as a social fact. Theoretical perspectives / Steve Seidman ; The social construction of sexuality / interview with Jeffrey Weeks ; Surveying sex / interview with Edward Laumann ; pt. 2. Sexual meanings. Popular culture constructs sexuality / interview with Joshua Gamson ; Sexual pleasure / Kelly James ; Purity and pollution : sex as moral discourse / Nancy Fischer ; Sex and power / Kristen Barber ; Sexual politics in intimate relationships : sexual coercion and harassment / Lisa K. Waldner ; Gay and straight rites of passage / Chet Meeks ; pt. 3. Sexual bodies and behaviours. Medicine and the making of a sexual body / Celia Roberts ; The body, disability and sexuality / Thomas J. Gerschick ; Sexualizing Asian male bodies / Travis S.K. Kong ; Sex and the senior woman / Meika Loe ; Polishing the pearl : discoveries of the clitoris / Lisa Jean Moore ; Orgasm / Juliet Richters ; Anal sex : phallic and other meanings / Simon Hardy ; Sexual intercourse / Kerwin Kaye ; Viagra and the coital imperative / Nicola Gavey ; pt. 4. Gender and sexuality. Unruly bodies : intersex variations of sex development / Sharon E. Preves ; Transgendering : challenging the 'normal' / Kimberly Tauches ; Transsexual, transgender, and queer / interview with Viviane Namaste ; Gender and heterosexism in rock-n-roll / interview with Mimi Schippers ; Adolescent girls' sexuality : the more it changes, the more it stays the same / Deborah L. Tolman ; Not 'straight', but still a 'man' : negotiating non-heterosexual masculinities in Beirut / Ghassan Moussawi ; How not to talk about Muslim women : patriarchy, Islam and the sexual regulation of Pakistani women / Saadia Toor ; 'Guys are just homophobic' : rethinking adolescent homophobia and heterosexuality / C.J. Pascoe ; Mis-conceptions about unintended pregnancy : considering context in sexual and reproductive decision-making / Jennifer A. Reich ; pt. 5. Intimacies. Romantic love / interview with Eva Illouz ; Gender and the organization of heterosexual intimacy / Daniel Santore ; Shopping for love : online dating and the making of a cyber culture of romance / Sophia DeMasi ; Covenant marriage : reflexivity and retrenchment in the politics of intimacy / Dwight Fee ; Interracial romance : the logic of acceptance and domination / Kumiko Nemoto ; Lesbian and gay parents : situated subjects / Yvette Taylor ; Partners of transgender people / Carey Jean Sojka ; pt. 6. Sexual identities. Straight men / James J. Dean ; Sexual narratives of 'straight' women / Nicole LaMarre ; Lesbians / interview with Tamsin Wilton ; The disappearance of the homosexual / interview with Henning Beck ; Gay men and lesbians in the Netherlands / Gert Hekma and Jan Willem Duyvendak ; The bisexual menace revisited : or, shaking up social categories is hard to do / Kristen G. Esterberg ; Bisexualities in America / interview with Paula Rodriguez Rust ; Multiple identities : race, class, and gender in lesbian and gay affirming Protestant congregations / Krista McQueeney ; pt. 7. Sexual institutions and sexual commerce. One is not born a bride : how weddings regulate heterosexuality / Chrys Ingraham ; Change and continuity in American marriage / Erica Hunter ; The political economy of sexual labor / interview with Elizabeth Bernstein ; Sex sells, but what else does it do? The American porn industry / Chris Pappas ; Sex workers / interview with Wendy Chapkis ; Conflicts at the tubs : bathhouses and gay culture and politics in the United States / Jason Hendrickson ; Queering the family / Mary Burke and Kristine Olsen ; Pleasure for sale : feminist sex stores / Alison Better ; pt. 8. Sexual cultures. Sexual liberation and the creative class in Israel / Dana Kaplan ; Internet sex : the seductive 'freedom to' / Dennis Waskul ; The time of the sadomasochist : hunting with(in) the 'tribus' / Darren Langdridge ; Secret sex and the down low brotherhood / Justin Luc Hoy ; Wait ... Hip Hop sexualities / Thomas F. DeFrantz ; Gay men dancing : circuit parties / Russell Westhaver ; pt. 9. Sexual regulation and inequality. Sexuality, state and nation / Jyoti Puri ; Iran's sexual revolution / Pardis Mahdavi ; Christianity and the regulation of sexuality in the United States / Joshua Grove ; The marriage contract / Mary Bernstein ; Healing disorderly desire : medical-therapeutic regulation of sexuality / P.J. McGann ; Schools and the social control of sexuality / Melinda Miceli ; Law and the regulation of the obscene / Phoebe Christina Godfrey ; pt. 10. Sexual politics. Gay marriage. Why now? Why at all? / Reese Kelly ; The US Supreme Court and the politics of gay and lesbian rights / Gregory Maddox ; The politics of AIDS : sexual pleasure and danger / Jennifer Gunsaullus ; The pro-family movement / Tina Fetner ; Politics of sex education / interview with Janice M. Irvine ; Gender and sexual politics : American gay rights and feminist movements / Megan Murphy ; Sexual dissent : a post-identity culture of sexual resistance in the case of Lebanese nonheterosexuals / Steven Seidman ; War and the politics of sexual violence / Margarita Palacios and Silvia Posocco ; pt. 11. Global and transnational sexualities. Condoms in the global economy / Peter Chua ; Sexual tourism / interview with Julia O'Connell Davidson ; Migrant sex work and trafficking : sorting them out / Laura Agustin ; The public and hidden sexualities of Filipina women in Lebanon / Hayeon Lee...

U 305 INTRODUCING Seidman, S.
COBISS.SI-ID 32835165


FERFILA, Bogomil
        Popotniške stopinje Vzhodne, Osrednje, Severovzhodne in Jugovzhodne Evrope / Bogomil Ferfila. - Ljubljana : Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, 2014. - VIII, 357 str., 484 str. pril. - (Zbirka Svet na dlani ; knj. 20)

Besedilo v slov., biografija avtorja tudi v angl. - Tiskano po naročilu. - O avtorju: str. 356-357. - Bibliografija: str. 345-355

Č 308 FERFILA, B. Popotniške K 308 FERFILA, B. Popotniške
COBISS.SI-ID 274362880


        Powers and prospects : reflections on human nature and the social order / Noam Chomsky. - 1st published. - London : Pluto, 1996. - XII, 244 str.

Opombe z bibliografijo: str. 222-236. - Kazalo

K 316.2 CHOMSKY, N. Powers

COHEN, Robin, 1944-
        Global sociology / Robin Cohen and Paul Kennedy with Maud Perrier. - 3rd ed. - New York : New York University Press, cop. 2013. - XXXII, 455 str.

Bibliografija: str. 409-441. - Kazali

Č 316 COHEN, R. Global U 316 COHEN, R. Global
COBISS.SI-ID 32823389

        Puške, bacili in jeklo : zakaj je človeški razvoj na različnih celinah napredoval različno hitro / Jared Diamond ; [prevedla Urška Pajer]. - Tržič : Učila International, 2008. - 454 str., [32] str. pril. s fotogr.

Prevod dela: Guns, germs, and steel. - Nadaljnje branje: str. 425-454

Č 316.72 DIAMOND, J. M. Puške U 316.72 DIAMOND, J. M. Puške
COBISS.SI-ID 239224576

        INTERNATIONAL handbook on ageing and public policy / edited by Sarah Harper and Kate Hamblin. - Cheltenham ; Northampton (MA) : E. Elgar, cop. 2014. - XIX, 505 str. - (Handbooks of research on public policy)

Bibliografija pri posameznih poglavjih. - Kazali

K 316.34 INTERNATIONAL Harper, S.
COBISS.SI-ID 32868445

WALLEY, Christine J., 1965-
        Exit Zero : family and class in postindustrial Chicago / Christine J. Walley. - Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, cop. 2013. - XVI, 216 str.

Bibliografija: str. 199-208. - Kazalo

K 316.33 WALLEY, C. J. Exit
COBISS.SI-ID 32861789


O'HARA, Kieron : power, poverty and the digital divide / Kieron O'Hara and David Stevens. - Oxford : Oneworld, cop. 2006. - XV, 341 str.

Bibliografske opombe: str. 307-327. - Kazalo

K 316.33 O'HARA, K.
COBISS.SI-ID 25418845


GERGEN, Kenneth J.
        Social psychology / Kenneth J. Gergen, Mary M. Gergen. - 2nd ed. - New York [etc.] : Springer, 1986. - XXII, 453 str.

Bibliografija: str. 411-435. - Kazalo

Č 316.6 GERGEN, K. J. Social U 316.6 GERGEN, K. J. Social
COBISS.SI-ID 19947101

VAN Krieken, Robert
        Celebrity society / Robert van Krieken. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2012. - XI, 186 str.

Bibliografija: str. 149-179. - Kazalo

Č 316.6 VAN KRIEKEN, R. Celebrity U 316.6 VAN KRIEKEN, R. Celebrity
COBISS.SI-ID 32823133


        The politics of cultural work / Mark Banks. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, cop. 2007. - VIII, 228 str.

Bibliografija: str. 205-219. - Kazalo

U 316.7 BANKS, M. Politics
COBISS.SI-ID 32910173

        CULTURAL difference and social solidarity : solidarities and social function / edited by Scott H. Boyd and Mary Ann Walter. - Newcastle Upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. - VIII, 175 str.

Bibliografija pri vseh prispevkih. - Kazalo

K 316.72 CULTURAL Boyd S. H.
COBISS.SI-ID 32870493

        EUROPEAN identity : a historical reader / [edited by] Alex Drace-Francis. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, cop. 2013. - XXVIII, 297 str.

Bibliografija: str. 260-273. - Kazalo

U 316.7 EUROPEAN Drace-Francis, A.
COBISS.SI-ID 32825693

KAISER, Susan B.
        Fashion and cultural studies / Susan B. Kaiser. - English ed. - London [etc.] : Bloomsbury, 2013, cop. 2012. - XII, 227 str.

Bibliografija: str. 195-212. - Kazalo

Č 316.7 KAISER, S. B. Fashion U 316.7 KAISER, S. B. Fashion
COBISS.SI-ID 32863837

        Korenine nadnaravnega / [Miran Lavrič]. - 1. izd. - Maribor : Aristej : Filozofska fakulteta, 2013. - 119 str. - (Zbirka Dialogi ; letn. 14)

Avtor naveden na ov. in v kolofonu. - 500 izv. - O avtorju na sprednjem zavihku ov. - Št. proj. J5-2294. - Bibliografija: str. 109-116. - Kazalo

U 316.74 LAVRIČ, M. Korenine
COBISS.SI-ID 76573697

        POST-Yugoslavia : new cultural and political perspectives / edited by Dino Abazović and Mitja Velikonja. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - XIII, 212 str.

Bibliografija na koncu posameznih prispevkov. - Kazalo

U 316.7 POST-YUGOSLAVIA Abazović, D.
COBISS.SI-ID 32825181

        Self-representation and digital culture / Nancy Thumim. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - X, 205 str.

Bibliografija: str. 187-201. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: Introduction: Self-Representation and Digital Culture ; Histories of Self-Representation ; Mediation ; Broadcasters ; Museums and Art Worlds ; Self-Representation Online ; Self-Representation, Digital Culture and Genre

Č 316.7 THUMIM, N. Self-representation
COBISS.SI-ID 32816989

TURNER, Bryan S.
        The body & society : explorations in social theory / Bryan S. Turner. - 3rd ed. - Los Angeles [etc.] : Sage, 2013, cop. 2008. - X, 285 str. - (Theory, culture & society)

Bibliografija: str. 263-276. - Kazalo

U 316.7 TURNER, B. S. Body
COBISS.SI-ID 32869725

        Rock’n’retro : novi jugoslavizem v sodobni slovenski popularni glasbi / Mitja Velikonja. - Ljubljana : Sophia, 2013. - X, 109, X, 107 str., [14] str. barvnih pril. - (Zbirka Naprej!)

400 izv. - Bibliografija: str. 103-105. - Vsebuje tudi angleški prevod, tiskan v obratni smeri: Rock’n’retro : new yugoslavism in contemporary popular music in Slovenia / [translated from Slovenian by Olga Vuković]

Č 316.74 VELIKONJA, M. Rock’n’retro K 316.74 VELIKONJA, M. Rock’n’retro U 316.74 VELIKONJA, M. Rock’n’retro
COBISS.SI-ID 269058816


        Media life / Mark Deuze. - Cambridge ; Malden (MA) : Polity Press, 2012. - XVIII, 305 str.

Bibliografija: str. 274-290. - Kazalo

Č 316.77 DEUZE, M. Media
COBISS.SI-ID 16803350

        Media life / Mark Deuze. - Cambridge ; Malden (MA) : Polity, 2013, cop. 2012. - XVIII, 305 str.

Bibliografija: str. 274-290. - Kazalo

U 316.77 DEUZE, M. Media
COBISS.SI-ID 32908893

        DIGITAL media and democracy : tactics in hard times / edited by Megan Boler. - Cambridge (Mass.) ; London : MIT, 2010, cop. 2008. - VIII, 464 str.

Bibliografija na koncu večine prispevkov. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: The shape of publics : new media and global capitalism ; The state of the media : an interview with Robert McChesney / Megan Boler ; The space of tactical media / Alessandra Renzi ; Communicative capitalism : circulation and the foreclosure of politics / Jodi Dean ; Toward open and dense networks : an interview with Geert Lovink / Megan Boler ; Black code redux : censorship, surveillance, and the militarization of cyberspace / Ronald J. Deibert ; Media and democracy / Susan D. Moeller ; Democracy on the airwaves : an interview with Amy Goodman / Megan Boler ; Alternative media theory and journalism practice / Chris Atton ; Community radio, access, and media justice : an interview with Deepa Fernandes / Andréa Schimdt and Megan Boler ; Gatewatching, gatecrashing : futures for tactical news media / Axel Bruns ; Tempests of the blogosphere : presidential campaign stories that failed to ignite mainstream media / D. Travers Scott ; Al Jazeera English : an interview with Hassan Ibrahim / Nathalie Magnan, Megan Boler, and Andréa Schimdt ; Media interventions and art practices : an interview with Shaina Anand / Alessandra Renzi and Megan Boler ; The gambiarra : considerations on a recombinatory technology / Ricardo Rosas ; Where the activism is / Trebor Scholz ; Whacking Bush : tactical media as play / Graham Meikle ; The daily show and Crossfire : satire and sincerity as truth to power / Megan Boler with Stephen Turpin ; Cybersupremacy : the new face and form of White supremacist activism / R. Sophie Statzel ; Re-visioning the state of the media : concluding interview and commentary / Brian Holmes

U 316.77 DIGITAL Boler, M.
COBISS.SI-ID 32870237

        DIGITAL technologies in the lives of young people / edited by Chris Davies, John Coleman and Sonia Livingstone. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2014. - X, 119 str.

"The chapters in this book were originally published in the Oxford Review of Education, vol. 38, issue 1 (February 2012)."--> str. VII. - Bibliografija pri posameznih prispevkih. - Kazalo

Č 316.77 DIGITAL Davies, C. U 316.77 DIGITAL Davies, C.
COBISS.SI-ID 32817501

        The HANDBOOK of media audiences / edited by Virginia Nightingale. - Paperback ed. - Malden (MA) ; Oxford ; Chichester : Willey-Blackwell, 2014. - XIII, 540 str. - (Global handbooks in media and communication research)

Bibliografija pri posameznih prispevkih. - Kazalo

Č 316.77 HANDBOOK Nightingale, V. U 316.77 HANDBOOK Nightingale, V.
COBISS.SI-ID 32817757

        Local radio, going global / Guy Starkey. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. - XV, 202 str.

Bibliografija: str. 190-193. - Kazalo

U 316.77 STARKEY, G. Local
COBISS.SI-ID 32110429


        BIOPOLITICS, ethics and subjectivation / edited by Alain Brossat ... [et al.]. - Paris : L'Harmattan, cop. 2011. - 254 str. - (Esthétiques)

Dostopno tudi na: - Kazalo vsebine. - "... result of the international conference and summer school on Biopolitics, Ethics and Subjectivation : questions on modernity held in June 2009 ..."--> str. 5. - Bibliografija na koncu nekaterih prispevkov

U 32 BIOPOLITICS Brossat, A.
COBISS.SI-ID 32831581

        Wohin steuert Europa? : ein Streitgespräch / Ralf Dahrendorf, François Furet, Bronisław Geremek ; herausgegeben von Lucio Caracciolo ; Deutsch von Ariane Böckler. - Frankfurt\Main ; New York : Campus ; Paris : Editions de la Fondation Maison des sciences de l'Homme, 1993. - 162 str.

Prevod dela: La democrazia in Europa

21314 a
COBISS.SI-ID 37595393

GIROUX, Henry A.
        Stormy weather : Katrina and the politics of disposability / Henry A. Giroux. - Boulder ; London : Paradigm, cop. 2006. - IX, 149 str. - (The radical imagination series)

Dostopno tudi na: - Kazalo vsebine. - Opombe z bibliografijo: str. 115-137

K 323.1 GIROUX, H. A. Stormy
COBISS.SI-ID 32863069

HELD, David
        Models of democracy / David Held. - 3rd ed. - Cambridge ; Malden (MA) : Polity, 2014, cop. 2006. - XII, 338 str.

Bibliografija: str. 313-327. - Kazalo

U 321.7 HELD, D. Models
COBISS.SI-ID 32869213

        Political order in changing societies / by Samuel P. Huntington ; foreword by S. P. H. - 5th printing. - New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 1971, cop. 1968. - XI, 488 str.

Bibliografija na dnu strani. - Kazalo

COBISS.SI-ID 32871261

        The government and politics of the European Union / Neill Nugent. - 7th ed. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, cop. 2010. - XXII, 486 str. - (The European Union series)

Bibliografija: str. 467-476. - Kazalo

Č (EU)323 NUGENT, N. Government U (EU)323 NUGENT, N. Government
COBISS.SI-ID 32853341

        POPULISM in Europe and the Americas : threat or corrective for democracy? / edited by Cas Mudde & Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. - 1st paperback ed. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013, cop. 2012. - XVI, 257 str.

Bibliografija: str. 223-249. - Kazalo

K 321.7 POPULISM Mudde, C.
COBISS.SI-ID 32842589

RATTI, Remigio
        Tessin - eine offene Region / Remigio Ratti ; Raffaello Ceschi ; Sandro Bianconi. - Basel ; Frankfurt am Main : Helbing und Lichtenhahn, 1993. - X, 380 str.

Prevod dela: Il Ticino regione aperta. - Bibli Bibliografija: str. 375. - Kazalo

II 33607
COBISS.SI-ID 32873565

        RESEARCH agendas in EU studies : stalking the elephant / edited by Michelle Egan, Neill Nugent, and William E. Paterson. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. - XVI, 430 str. - (Palgrave studies in European Union politics)

Bibliografija na koncu prispevkov. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: Introduction: researching the European Union / Michelle Egan, Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson ; History aplenty : but still too isolated / N. Piers Ludlow ; Integration theory / Frank Schimmelfennig ; The European Union's institutions / Neill Nugent and William E. Paterson ; Leadership and intergovernmental negotiations in the European Union / Derek Beach ; Governance and European integration / B. Guy Peters and Susana Borrás ; Democracy and European Union governance / Berthold Rittberger ; European Union law : a tale of microscopes and telescopes / Anthony Arnull ; New directions in Europeanization research / Claudio M. Radaelli and Theofanis Exadaktylos ; Political economy / Michelle Egan ; Monetary union / Waltraud Schelkle ; Justice and home affairs / Christina Boswell ; Feminist approaches / Johanna Kantola ; The European Union in the world : future research agendas / Karen E. Smith ; Europe and globalization / Wade Jacoby and Sophie Meunier ; The future shape of the European Union / Heather Grabbe and Ulrich Sedelmeier ; Hastening slowly : European Union studies : between reinvention and continuing fragmentation / William E. Paterson, Neill Nugent and Michelle Egan

Č (EU)32 RESEARCH Egan, M. U (EU)32 RESEARCH Egan, M.
COBISS.SI-ID 512242291

SALAMON, Lester M.
        Global civil society. Vol. 2, Dimensions of the nonprofit sector / Lester M. Salamon, S. Wojciech Sokolowski, and associates. - Boulder ; London : Kumarian, 2014, cop. 2004. - XXIX, 335 str.

"Published in association with the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project". - Bibliografske opombe na koncu prispevkov

U 321 SALAMON, L. M. Global
COBISS.SI-ID 32896349

        Theoretical approaches to European integration / Sabine Saurugger. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - X, 294 str. - (The European Union series)

Bibliografija: str. 256-291. - Kazalo

K (EU)32 SAURUGGER, S. Theoretical
COBISS.SI-ID 32837981

SCHIER, Steven E.
        American government and popular discontent : stability without success / Steven E. Schier and Todd E. Eberly. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2013. - X, 192 str.

Bibliografija: str. 171-181. - Kazalo

K 321 SCHIER, S. E. American
COBISS.SI-ID 32843869

        URA evropske resnice za Slovenijo = The hour of European truth for Slovenia / [avtorji besedila Drago Jančar ... et al.]. - Ljubljana : Nova revija, 1997. - 63 str.

II 18880 a, b
COBISS.SI-ID 68354816


        EUROPEAN integration and postcolonial sovereignty games : the EU overseas countries and territories / edited by Rebecca Adler-Nissen and Ulrik Pram Gad. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2013. - XIX, 252 str. - (The new international relations series)

Bibliografija na koncu večine prispevkov. - Kazalo

K 327 EUROPEAN Adler-Nissen, R.
COBISS.SI-ID 32837725

KISSINGER, Henry, 1923-
        Diplomacy / Henry Kissinger. - New York [etc.] : Simon & Schuster, cop. 1994. - 912 str.

Opombe z bibliografijo: str. 837-872. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: The new world order ; The hinge : Theodore Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson ; From university to equilibrium : Richelieu, William of Orange, and Pitt ; The concert of Europe : Great Britain, Austria, and Russia ; Two revolutionaries : Napoleon III and Bismarck ; Realpolitik turns on itself ; A political doomsday machine : European diplomacy before the First World War ; Into the vortex : the military doomsday machine ; The new face of diplomacy : Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles ; The dilemmas of the victors ; Stresemann and the re-emergence of the vanquished ; The end of illusion : Hitler and the destruction of Versailles ; Stalin's bazaar ; The Nazi-Soviet pact ; America re-enters the arena : Franklin Delano Roosevelt ; Three approaches to peace : Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill in World War II ; The beginning of the Cold War ; The success and the pain of containment ; The dilemma of containment : the Korean War ; Negotiating with the Communists : Adenauer, Churchill, and Eisenhower ; Leapfrogging containment : the Suez crisis ; Hungary : upheaval in the Empire ; Khrushchev's ultimatum : the Berlin crisis 1958-63 ; Concepts of Western unity : Macmillan, de Gaulle, Eisenhower, and Kennedy ; Vietnam : entry into the morass; Truman and Eisenhower ; Vietnam : on the road to despair; Kennedy and Johnson ; Vietnam : the extrication; Nixon ; Foreign policy as geopolitics : Nixon's triangular diplomacy ; Detente and its discontents ; The end of the Cold War : Reagan and Gorbachev ; The new world order reconsidered

K 327 KISSINGER, H. Diplomacy
COBISS.SI-ID 512002163

        PEACEMAKING in international conflict : methods & techniques / I. William Zartman, editor. - Rev. ed. - Washington : United States Institute of Peace, 2007. - IX, 505 str.

Dostopno tudi na: - Kazalo vsebine. - Bibliografija pri večini prispevkov. - Kazalo

U 327.5 PEACEMAKING Zartman, I. W.
COBISS.SI-ID 32831325

RUMFORD, Chris, 1958-
        The European Union : a political sociology / Chris Rumford. - Oxford ; Malden (MA) : Blackwell, cop. 2002. - 312 str.

Bibliografija: str. 290-305. - Kazalo

II 25297 b K (EU)321 RUMFORD, C. European

        THEORIES of international relations / Scott Burchill ... [et al.]. - 5th ed. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - IX, 388 str.

Bibliografija: str. 319-357. - Kazalo

U 327 THEORIES Burchill, S.
COBISS.SI-ID 32830301


BRAUDEL, Fernand
        Dinamika kapitalizma / Fernand Braudel ; [prevedel Gregor Moder ; spremna beseda Lev Centrih]. - Ljubljana : Sophia, 2010. - VII, 134 str. - (Zbirka Teorija ; 2010, 2)

Prevod dela: La dynamique du capitalisme. - 500 izv. - Zgodovina (realnega) socializma v analizah svetovnih-sistemov / Lev Centrih: 97-132. - Bibliografija: str. 132-1134

U 330.34 BRAUDEL, F. Dinamika
COBISS.SI-ID 253625344

        LEVELING the playing field : transnational regulatory integration and development / edited by László Bruszt and Gerald A. McDermott. - 1st ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. - XVII, 365 str.

Bibliografija: str. 313-349. - Kazalo

K 330.1 LEVELING Bruszt, L.
COBISS.SI-ID 32848989


BREZNIK, Maja, 1967-
        Za napisom Nezaposlenim vstop prepovedan : izobraževanje, delovni pogoji in socialni dialog na ravni podjetja v treh podjetjih iz papirne, tiskarske in založniške dejavnosti / Maja Breznik. - Ljubljana : Konfederacija sindikatov Slovenije Pergam - KSS Pergam, 2014. - 96 str.

K 331.5 BREZNIK, M. Za
COBISS.SI-ID 275013376

        The precariat : the new dangerous class / Guy Standing. - Revised ed. - London : Bloomsbury, 2014. - XI, 336 str.

Bibliografija: str. 317-325. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: The precariat ; Why the precariat is growing ; Who enters the precariat? ; Migrants: victims, villains or heroes? ; Labour, work and the time squeeze ; The politics of inferno ; The politics of paradise

U 331.1 STANDING, G. Precariat
COBISS.SI-ID 32816733


        The European Community and Eastern Europe / John Pinder. - London : The Royal Institute of International Affairs [by] Pinter Publishers, 1991. - 118 str. - (Chatham House papers)

Bibliografija: str. 109-118

II 33610
COBISS.SI-ID 32880477

RODRIK, Dani, 1957-
        The globalization paradox : democracy and the future of the world economy / Dani Rodrik. - New York ; London : W. W. Norton, 2012. - XXII, 346 str.

Opombe z bibliografijo: str. 285-317. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: Recasting globalization's narrative ; Of markets and states : globalization in history's mirror ; The rise and fall of the first great globalization ; Why doesn't everyone get the case for free trade? ; Bretton Woods, GATT, and the WTO : trade in a politicized world ; Financial globalization follies ; The foxes and hedgehogs of finance ; Poor countries in a rich world ; Trade fundamentalism in the tropics ; The political trilemma of the world economy ; Is global governance feasible? Is it desirable? ; Designing capitalism 3.0 ; A sane globalization ; A bedtime story for grown-ups

Č 339.9 RODRIK, D. Globalization K 339.9 RODRIK, D. Globalization
COBISS.SI-ID 32579421


EMMERICH, Volker, 1938-
        Konzernrecht : ein Studienbuch / Volker Emmerich und Mathias Habersack. - 10., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. - München : C. H. Beck, 2013. - XXXI, 620 str. - (Juristische Kurz-Lehrbücher)

Sorodni elektronski vir: - Kazalo vsebine. - Opombe z bibliografijo pod črto. - Kazalo

K 34 EMMERICH, V. Konzernrecht
COBISS.SI-ID 32839005


        The POLITICS of international law / edited by Christian Reus-Smit. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014, cop. 2004. - XIV, 324 str. - (Cambridge studies in international relations ; 96)

Sorodni elektronski vir: - Kazalo vsebine. - Bibliografija: str. 291-315. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: Introduction / Christian Reus-Smit ; The politics of international law / Christian Reus-Smit ; When states use armed force / Dino Kritsiotis ; Soft law, hard politics, and the Climate Change Treaty / Robyn Eckersley ; Emerging customary norms, and anti-personnel landmines / Richard Price ; International law, politics, and migrant rights / Amy Gurowitz ; The International Criminal Court / David Wippman ; The Kosovo bombing campaign / Nicholas J. Wheeler ; International financial institutions / Antony Anghie ; Law, politics, and international governance / Wayne Sandholtz and Alec Stone Sweet ; Society, power, and ethics / Christian Reus-Smit

U 341 POLITICS Reus-Smith, C.
COBISS.SI-ID 32866141

        ROUTLEDGE handbook of international law / edited by David Armstrong. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2014, cop. 2009. - XXXIV, 468 str. - (Routledge international handbooks)

Sorodni elektronski vir: - Kazalo vsebine. - Bibliografija: str. 410-452. - Kazalo

U 341 ROUTLEDGE Armstrong, D.
COBISS.SI-ID 32867421


        Little America : the war within the war for Afghanistan / Rajiv Chandrasekaran. - 1st Vintage Books ed. - New York : Vintage Books, 2013, cop. 2012. - VIII, 385 str., [16] str. pril. č-b fotogr.

Bibliografija: str. 361-364. - Kazalo

K 355.02 CHANDRASEKARAN, R. Little
COBISS.SI-ID 32842845


KAWAMURA, Yuniya, 1963-
        Doing research in fashion and dress : an introduction to qualitative methods / Yuniya Kawamura. - English ed. - London [etc.] : Bloomsbury, 2013, cop. 2011. - X, 150 str.

Bibliografija: str. 133-145. - Kazalo

Č 39 KAWAMURA, Y. Doing U 39 KAWAMURA, Y. Doing
COBISS.SI-ID 32901213

MURAJ, Aleksandra
        Živim znači stanujem : etnološka studija o kulturi stanovanja u žumberačkim Sošicama / Aleksandra Muraj. - Zagreb : Hrvatsko etnološko društvo : Zavod za istraživanje folklora ; Ljubljana : Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani, 1989. - VI, 214 str., [12] str. ilustr. pril. - (Biblioteka Hrvatskog etnološkog društva)

600 izv. - Bibliografija: str. 185-196. - Povzetek

III 9662
COBISS.SI-ID 6706178


RUŽIĆ, Mira, 1916-2004
        Biti ali ne biti / Mira Ružić ; [sklepna beseda Stane Krašovec]. - 1982. - V Ljubljani : Prešernova družba. - 251 str.

Sklepna beseda / Stane Krašovec: str. 229-248. - Bibliografija: str. 227-228, 249-250

COBISS.SI-ID 13391617


        NESREČE in varstvo pred njimi / [gradivo zbral in uredil Bojan Ušeničnik]. - Ljubljana : Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje Ministrstva za obrambo, 2002. - 569 str.

Kazalo. - Bibliografija na koncu prispevkov

Č 61 NESREČE Ušeničnik, B. U 61 NESREČE Ušeničnik, B.
COBISS.SI-ID 119367168

        RADIOTEXT(E) / editor Neil Strauss, associate editor Dave Mandl. - New York ; Brooklyn (NY) : Semiotext(e), cop. 1993. - 350 str. - (Semiotext(e) ; 16)

Vsebina: Early sparks ; Hagiographies ; Alternative histories ; Broadcasts ; Perpetrators ; Listeners ; Control ; Cranks ; New approaches ; Paranormal applications ; Extraterrestrial possibilities

U 654 RADIOTEXT(E) Strauss, N.
COBISS.SI-ID 32834653

SPARRER, Insa, 1955-
        Miracle, solution and system : solution-focused systemic structural constellations for therapy and organisational change / by Insa Sparrer. - English ed. - Cheltenham : Solutions Books, 2007. - XXI, 359 str.

Prevod dela: Wunder, Lösung und System. - Bibliografija: str. 342-349. - Kazalo

K 61 SPARRER, I. Miracle
COBISS.SI-ID 32861021


        ADVERTISING education around the world / [editors] Jef I. Richards, Billy I. Ross ; copy editors Tom Bowers, Joe Pisani. - [S. l.] : American Academy of Advertising, cop. 2014. - VII, 524 str.

Bibliografija pri vseh prispevkih. - Kazalo

Č 659.1 ADVERTISING Richards, J. I.
COBISS.SI-ID 32838237

        Socialna zgodovina medijev : od Gutenberga do interneta / Asa Briggs in Peter Burke ; prevod Marjan Sedmak ; [spremna beseda Sandra B. Hrvatin in Marko Prpič]. - Ljubljana : Sophia, 2005. - IX, 380 str. - (Zbirka Razgledi ; 2005, 2)

Prevod dela: A social history of the media. - Mediji v službi javnosti : spremna beseda / Sandra B. Hrvatin, Marko Prpič: str. 357-370. - Bibliografija: str. 339-355. - Kazalo

Č 659 BRIGGS, A. Socialna U 659 BRIGGS, A. Socialna
COBISS.SI-ID 221968384

GUMMESSON, Evert, 1936-
        Total relationship marketing / Evert Gummesson. - 3rd ed. - Amsterdam [etc.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008. - XIV, 376 str.

Bibliografija: str. 345-363. - Kazalo

U 659.1 GUMMESSON, E. Total
COBISS.SI-ID 27638621


BATE, David, 1956-
        Fotografija : ključni koncepti / David Bate ; [prevedli Domen Kavčič ... et al.]. - Ljubljana : Membrana (ZSKZ) : Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta, 2012. - 199 str.

Prevod dela: Photography. - 500 izv. - Bibliografija: str. 182-188. - Kazalo

Č 77 BATE, D. Fotografija U 77 BATE, D. Fotografija
COBISS.SI-ID 261646336

BATE, David, 1956-
        Photography : the key concepts / David Bate. - English ed. - London [etc.] : Bloomsbury, 2013, cop. 2009. - X, 199 str. - (The key concepts)

Bibliografija: str. 183-189. - Summary na koncu poglavij. - Kazalo. - Vsebina: History ; Photography theory ; Documentary and story-telling ; Looking at portraits ; In the landscape ; The rhetoric of still life ; Art photography ; Global photography

U 77 BATE, D. Photography
COBISS.SI-ID 32867933

        Načini gledanja / po BBC-jevi televizijski oddaji z Johnom Bergerjem ; [avtorji John Berger ... [et al.] ; prevedla Katja Grabnar ; spremna beseda Eda Čufer]. - Ljubljana : Zavod Emanat ; [Šmarje-Sap] : Buča, 2008. - 183 str. - (Zbirka Prehodi)

Prevod dela: Ways of seeing. - 500 izv. - Gledati z Bergerjem / Eda Čufer: str. 7-17. - O avtorju na zadnjem zavihku ov.

U 7 BERGER, J. Načini
COBISS.SI-ID 242108672

        Introduction to media production : the path to digital media production / Robert B. Musburger, Gorham Kindem. - 4th ed. - New York ; London : Focal, 2013, cop. 2009. - XXI, 509 str., [4] str. pril.

Bibliografija na koncu poglavij. - Kazalo

U 791.4 MUSBURGER, R. B. Introduction
COBISS.SI-ID 32910941

        Introduction to media production : the path to digital media production / Robert B. Musburger, Gorham Kindem. - 4th ed. - Amsterdam [etc.] : Focal Press/Elsevier, cop. 2009. - XXI, 509 str., [4] str. pril.

Bibliografija na koncu poglavij. - Kazalo

U 791.4 MUSBURGER, R. B. Introduction
COBISS.SI-ID 8075092

SHORE, Stephen, 1947-
        The nature of photographs / by Stephen Shore. - 2nd ed. - London ; New York : Phaidon, 2013, cop. 2007. - 133 str.


U 77 SHORE, S. Nature
COBISS.SI-ID 32868957


        MEDDISCIPLINARNOST v slovenistiki / [urednica Simona Kranjc] ; [izdal] Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik. - 1. natis. - Ljubljana : Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2011. - 708 str. - (Obdobja ; 30)

Dostopno tudi na: - Na ov. tudi nasl. v angl.: Interdisciplinarity in Slovene studies. - Prispevki v slov., hrv., srb., slovaš., polj. ali mak. - Bibliografija pri vseh prispevkih. - Izvleček v slov. in angl. pri vseh prispevkih. - Kazalo

COBISS.SI-ID 258646784

PETI-Stantić, Anita
        Veliki suvremeni slovensko-hrvatski i hrvatsko-slovenski rječnik / Anita Peti-Stantić. - [Zagreb] : Mozaik knjiga, 2014. - 1045 str.

Č 81'374=163.6 PETI-STANTIĆ, A. Veliki K 81'374=163.6 PETI-STANTIĆ, A. Veliki
COBISS.SI-ID 1105711198


OUŘEDNÍK, Patrik, 1957-
        Evropeana : kratka zgodovina dvajsetega stoletja / Patrik Ouředník ; prevedel Andrej Rozman. - 2., popravljena izd. - Ljubljana : Publicistično društvo ZAK, Društvo za proučevanje zgodovine, antropologije in književnosti, 2011. - 101 str. - (Knjižnica ZAK ; knj. 3)

Prevod dela: Europeana : stručné dějiny dvacátého věku. - 300 izv.

U 94(4) OUŘEDNÍK, P. Evropeana
COBISS.SI-ID 255534592

UNIVERZA. Inštitut za sociologijo in filozofijo (Ljubljana)
        Who is who / Inštitut za sociologijo in filozofijo pri Univerzi v Ljubljani. - Ljubljana : [Inštitut za sociologijo in filozofijo], 1976. - 107 str.

Ov. nasl.

Č III 9667
COBISS.SI-ID 32888413


  • Advertising education around the world 83
  • American government and popular discontent 60

  • Biopolitics, ethics and subjectivation 49
  • Biti ali ne biti 79
  • Blogs, Wikipedia, Second life, and beyond 6
  • The body & society 41

  • Celebrity society 33
  • Cultural difference and social solidarity 35

  • Developing effective research proposals 20
  • Digital media and democracy 45
  • Digital technologies in the lives of young people 46
  • Dinamika kapitalizma 67
  • Diplomacy 63
  • Doing research in fashion and dress 77

  • The elements of journalism 16
  • The European Community and Eastern Europe 71
  • European identity 36
  • European integration and postcolonial sovereignty games 62
  • The European Union 65
  • Evropeana 94
  • Exit Zero 30

  • Fashion and cultural studies 37
  • Fotografija 86
  • Free for all 15
  • Fundamentals of decision making and priority theory with the analytic hierarchy process 10

  • Global civil society. Vol. 2, Dimensions of the nonprofit sector 58
  • Global sociology 27
  • The globalization paradox 72
  • The government and politics of the European Union 54

  • The handbook of global online journalism 14
  • The handbook of media audiences 47
  • The hour of European truth for Slovenia 61
  • How to write a better thesis 3
  • How to write a master's thesis 1

  • 31
  • International handbook on ageing and public policy 29
  • Internet research skills 8
  • Introducing the new sexuality studies 24
  • Introduction to media production 89, 90

  • Konzernrecht 73
  • Korenine nadnaravnega 38

  • Leveling the playing field 68
  • The literature review 4
  • Little America 76
  • Local radio, going global 48

  • Management cases 9
  • Meddisciplinarnost v slovenistiki 92
  • Media life 43, 44
  • Melvin Mencher's News reporting and writing 17
  • Miracle, solution and system 82
  • Models of democracy 52

  • Načini gledanja 88
  • The nature of photographs 91
  • Nesreče in varstvo pred njimi 80
  • News as discourse 12, 13

  • Online news 11
  • The order of things 19

  • Peacemaking in international conflict 64
  • Photography 87
  • Political order in changing societies 53
  • The politics of cultural work 34
  • The politics of international law 74
  • Popotniške stopinje Vzhodne, Osrednje, Severovzhodne in Jugovzhodne Evrope 25
  • Populism in Europe and the Americas 55
  • Post-Yugoslavia 39
  • Powers and prospects 26
  • The precariat 70
  • Puške, bacili in jeklo 28

  • Radiotext(e) 81
  • Readings in social research methods 5
  • Research agendas in EU studies 57
  • Research design 2
  • Rethinking journalism 18
  • Rock’n’retro 42
  • Routledge handbook of international law 75

  • The Sage handbook of online research methods 21
  • Self-representation and digital culture 40
  • Social psychology 32
  • Socialna zgodovina medijev 84
  • Sociological methods 22, 23
  • Stormy weather 51

  • Tessin - eine offene Region 56
  • Theoretical approaches to European integration 59
  • Theories of international relations 66
  • Total relationship marketing 85

  • Ura evropske resnice za Slovenijo 61
  • Using SPSS for Windows 7

  • Veliki suvremeni slovensko-hrvatski i hrvatsko-slovenski rječnik 93

  • Who is who 95
  • Wohin steuert Europa? 50

  • Za napisom Nezaposlenim vstop prepovedan 69

  • Živim znači stanujem 78


  • A. R. glej Rozman, Andrej (1947-)
  • A. Roz. glej Rozman, Andrej (1947-)
  • A. Ž. (1963-) glej Žele, Andreja (1963-)
  • A. Žel. glej Žele, Andreja (1963-)
  • Abazović, Dino (urednik) 39
  • Adler-Nissen, Rebecca (urednik) 62
  • Ahačič, Kozma (recenzent) 92
  • Allan, Stuart (1962-) 11
  • Armstrong, David glej Armstrong, James David (1945-)
  • Armstrong, J. D. (1945-) glej Armstrong, James David (1945-)
  • Armstrong, James David (1945-, urednik) 75

  • Banks, Mark 34
  • Bartol, M. Pezdric- glej Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja
  • Bartol, Mateja Pezdirc glej Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja
  • Bartol, Mateja Pezdirc- glej Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja
  • Bašič Hrvatin, Sandra glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Bašič-Hrvatin, Sandra glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Bašić Hrvatin, Sandra glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Bašić, Sandra glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra (avtor dodatnega besedila) 84
  • Bate, David (1956-) 86, 87
  • Będkowska Kopczyk, Agnieszka glej Będkowska-Kopczyk, Agnieszka
  • Będkowska, Agnieszka glej Będkowska-Kopczyk, Agnieszka
  • Będkowska-Kopczyk, Agnieszka (lektor) 92
  • Belčevič, A. glej Bjelčevič, Aleksander
  • Belčevič, Aleksandr glej Bjelčevič, Aleksander
  • Berger, John 88
  • Bianconi, Sandro (1933-, avtor) 56
  • Bjelčevič, Aleksander (recenzent) 92
  • Bjelčevič, Aleš glej Bjelčevič, Aleksander
  • Bjelčević, Aleš glej Bjelčevič, Aleksander
  • Blank, Grant (urednik) 21
  • Böckler, Ariane (prevajalec) 50
  • Boler, Megan (urednik) 45
  • Bowers, Thomas A. (1942-, urednik) 83
  • Bowers, Tom (1942-) glej Bowers, Thomas A. (1942-)
  • Boyd, Scott H. (urednik) 35
  • Braudel, Fernand 67
  • Breznik Močnik, Marija glej Breznik, Maja (1967-)
  • Breznik, Maja (1967-) 69
  • Briggs, Asa 84
  • Broersma, M. (1973-) glej Broersma, Marcel Jeroen (1973-)
  • Broersma, Marcel (1973-) glej Broersma, Marcel Jeroen (1973-)
  • Broersma, Marcel Jeroen (1973-, urednik) 18
  • Brossat, Alain (urednik) 49
  • Bruns, Axel 6
  • Bruszt, László (urednik) 68
  • Bučar, France (avtor) 61
  • Bui, Yvonne N. 1
  • Burchill, Scott (1961-, avtor) 66
  • Burke, Peter (1937-, avtor) 84

  • Caracciolo, Lucio (urednik) 50
  • Centrih, Lev (avtor dodatnega besedila) 67
  • Chandrasekaran, Rajiv 76
  • Chomsky, Avram Noam glej Chomsky, Noam
  • Chomsky, Noam 26
  • Cohen, Robin (1944-) 27
  • Coleman, John C. (Ph. D., urednik) 46
  • Coleman, John glej Coleman, John C. (Ph. D.)
  • Creswell, John W. 2
  • Cufer, Eda glej Čufer, Eda
  • Currie, Martina Ožbot glej Ožbot, Martina

  • Čufer Conover, Eda glej Čufer, Eda
  • Čufer, Eda (avtor dodatnega besedila) 88
  • Čufer, Ema glej Čufer, Eda

  • D. J. glej Jančar, Drago
  • Dahrendoef, Ralf glej Dahrendorf, Ralf
  • Dahrendorf, Ralf 50
  • Dahrendorf, Ralph glej Dahrendorf, Ralf
  • Davies, Chris (1948-, urednik) 46
  • Davies, Christopher Wynn Russell (1948-) glej Davies, Chris (1948-)
  • Denzin, Norman K. (1941-, urednik) 22, 23
  • Deuze, Mark 43, 44
  • Diamond, Jared glej Diamond, Jared M.
  • Diamond, Jared M. 28
  • Dibb, Michael (avtor) 88
  • Dijk, Teun A. van 12, 13
  • Dijk, Teun Adrianus glej Dijk, Teun A. van
  • Djukanović, Maja glej Đukanović, Maja
  • Dochartaigh, Niall Ó glej Ó Dochartaigh, Niall
  • Drace-Francis, Alex (urednik) 36
  • Drenik, Oskar glej Krašovec, Stane
  • Drucker, Peter F. glej Drucker, Peter Ferdinand (1909-2005)
  • Drucker, Peter Ferdinand (1909-2005) 9
  • Drucker, Peter glej Drucker, Peter Ferdinand (1909-2005)

  • Đukanović, Maja (lektor) 92

  • Eberly, Todd E. (avtor) 60
  • Egan, Michelle glej Egan, Michelle P.
  • Egan, Michelle P. (urednik) 57
  • Emmerich, Volker (1938-) 73
  • Evans, David G. 3
  • Evans, David glej Evans, David G.

  • Ferbežar, Ina (recenzent) 92
  • Ferfila, Bogomil 25
  • Ferfila, Bogomir glej Ferfila, Bogomil
  • Ferfila, Bogumil glej Ferfila, Bogomil
  • Fielding, Nigel (urednik) 21
  • Fielding, Nigel G. glej Fielding, Nigel
  • Fischer, Nancy (urednik) 24
  • Flere, Andrej glej Flere, Sergej
  • Flere, S. glej Flere, Sergej
  • Flere, Sergej (recenzent) 38
  • Foucault, M. Michel glej Foucault, Michel
  • Foucault, Michel 19
  • Fox, Chris (1965-, avtor) 88
  • Francis, Alex Drace- glej Drace-Francis, Alex
  • Francois, Furet glej Furet, François (1927-1997)
  • Fukujama, Frensis glej Fukuyama, Francis
  • Fukuyama, Francis (avtor dodatnega besedila) 53
  • Furet, François (1927-1997, avtor) 50

  • Gad, U. P. glej Gad, Ulrik Pram
  • Gad, Ulrik Pram (urednik) 62
  • Gantar, Apolonija glej Gantar, Polona
  • Gantar, Polona (recenzent) 92
  • Gerber, Susan B. 7
  • Geremek, Bronisław (avtor) 50
  • Geremek, Bronislaw glej Geremek, Bronisław
  • Gergen, Kenneth J. 32
  • Gergen, Mary M. (avtor) 32
  • Giroux, Henry A. 51
  • Golob, Monika Kalin glej Kalin Golob, Monika
  • Golob, Monika Kalin- glej Kalin Golob, Monika
  • Grabnar, Katarina glej Grabnar, Katja
  • Grabnar, Katja (prevajalec) 88
  • Grafenauer, Niko (avtor) 61
  • Grafenaver, Niko glej Grafenauer, Niko
  • Gruba, Paul (avtor) 3
  • Gummesson, Evert (1936-) 85

  • Habersack, Mathias (avtor) 73
  • Hamblin, Kate (1983-, urednik) 29
  • Hamblin, Kate A. glej Hamblin, Kate (1983-)
  • Harper, Sarah (urednik) 29
  • Held, David 52
  • Hollis, Richard (avtor) 88
  • Hrvatin, Sandra B. glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Hrvatin, Sandra Bašič glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Hrvatin, Sandra Bašič- glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Hrvatin, Sandra Bašić glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Hrvatin, Sandra Bašić- glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Hrvatin, Sandra glej Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
  • Huntington, Samuel P. 53

  • Jancăr, Drago glej Jančar, Drago
  • Jančar, Drago (avtor) 61
  • Jarvis, Jeff (avtor dodatnega besedila) 15
  • Jurach, Namita glej Subiotto, Namita
  • Jurač, Namita glej Subiotto, Namita

  • Kaiser, Susan B. 37
  • Kalin Golob, Monika (recenzent) 92
  • Kalin, Monika (1968-) glej Kalin Golob, Monika
  • Kalin-Golob, Monika glej Kalin Golob, Monika
  • Kavčič, Domen (1979-, prevajalec) 86
  • Kawamura, Yuniya (1963-) 77
  • Kennedy, Paul (avtor) 27
  • Kindem, G. A. glej Kindem, Gorham Anders
  • Kindem, Gorham Anders (avtor) 89, 90
  • Kindem, Gorham glej Kindem, Gorham Anders
  • King, Elliot (1953-) 15
  • Kissinger, Henry (1923-) 63
  • Kissinger, Henry A. glej Kissinger, Henry (1923-)
  • Kočalková, Anežka (lektor) 92
  • Kolšek, Erika Kržišnik- glej Kržišnik, Erika
  • Koltaj, Pavel (prevajalec) 86
  • Koltaj, Pavle glej Koltaj, Pavel
  • Kopczyk, Agnieszka Będkowska glej Będkowska-Kopczyk, Agnieszka
  • Kopczyk, Agnieszka Będkowska- glej Będkowska-Kopczyk, Agnieszka
  • Kostanjevec, Vladimir glej Krašovec, Stane
  • Kovach, Bill 16
  • Kovač, Alojzij glej Krašovec, Stane
  • Kranjc, S. glej Kranjc, Simona (1968-)
  • Kranjc, Simona (1968-, urednik, avtor dodatnega besedila) 92
  • Krašovec, S. (1905-1991) glej Krašovec, Stane
  • Krašovec, Stane (avtor dodatnega besedila) 79
  • Križišnik, Erika glej Kržišnik, Erika
  • Kržišnik, Erika (recenzent) 92
  • Kržišnik, Erika glej Kržišnik, Erika
  • Kržišnik-Kolšek, Erika glej Kržišnik, Erika

  • Lavric, Miran glej Lavrič, Miran
  • Lavrič, M. glej Lavrič, Miran
  • Lavrič, Marin glej Lavrič, Miran
  • Lavrič, Miran 38
  • Lee, Raymond M. (urednik) 21
  • Limon, David (lektor) 92
  • Livingstone, Sonia glej Livingstone, Sonia M.
  • Livingstone, Sonia M. (urednik) 46

  • M. O. glej Ožbot, Martina
  • M. S. glej Stabej, Marko
  • Machi, Lawrence A. 4
  • Maciariello, Joseph A. (avtor) 9
  • Maček, Joža (recenzent) 80
  • Maček, Jože glej Maček, Joža
  • Maier, Rudolf (prevajalec) 78
  • Mandl, Dave (urednik) 81
  • McDermott, Gerald A. (1966-, urednik) 68
  • McEvoy, Brenda T. (avtor) 4
  • Medill School of Journalism 15
  • Meeks, Chet (urednik) 24
  • Mencher, Melvin 17
  • Močnik, Marija Breznik glej Breznik, Maja (1967-)
  • Moder, Gregor (1979-, prevajalec) 67
  • Mudde, Cas (urednik) 55
  • Muraj, Aleksandra 78
  • Musburger, Robert B. 89, 90

  • N. G. glej Grafenauer, Niko
  • Nightingale, Virginia (urednik) 47
  • Nikolovski, Gjoko (lektor) 92
  • Nikolovski, Goko glej Nikolovski, Gjoko
  • Nissen, Rebecca Adler- glej Adler-Nissen, Rebecca
  • Nugent, Neill 54
  • Nugent, Neill (urednik) 57

  • Ó Dochartaigh, Niall 8
  • O'Hara, Kieron 31
  • Ouředník, Patrik (1957-) 94
  • Ozbot, Martina glej Ožbot, Martina
  • Ožbot Currie, Martina glej Ožbot, Martina
  • Ožbot, Martina (recenzent) 92

  • Pajer, Urša glej Pajer, Urška
  • Pajer, Urška (prevajalec) 28
  • Paterson, William E. (urednik) 57
  • Perdih, Anka Sollner glej Sollner-Perdih, Anka
  • Perdih, Anka Sollner- glej Sollner-Perdih, Anka
  • Perrier, Maud (avtor) 27
  • Peters, Chris (1977-, urednik) 18
  • Peti-Stantić, Anita 93
  • Peti-Stantić, Anita (recenzent) 92
  • Pezdirc Bartol, Mateja glej Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja
  • Pezdirc, Mateja glej Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja
  • Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja (recenzent) 92
  • Pezdric-Bartol, M. glej Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja
  • Pinder, John 71
  • Pisani, Joe (urednik) 83
  • Plešković, Maša (lektor) 92
  • Pram Gad, Ulrik glej Gad, Ulrik Pram
  • Pranjković, Ivo (recenzent) 93
  • Prpič, Marko (avtor dodatnega besedila) 84
  • Prpić, Marko glej Prpič, Marko
  • Pučnik, Jože (avtor) 61
  • Punch, Keith F. glej Punch, Keith Francis
  • Punch, Keith Francis 20
  • Punch, Keith glej Punch, Keith Francis

  • Ratti, Remigio 56
  • Ratti, Remigio (avtor) 56
  • Rebolj, Ivan glej Krašovec, Stane
  • Reus-Smit, Christian (1961-, urednik) 74
  • Richards, Jef I. (urednik) 83
  • Rodrick, Dani (1957-) glej Rodrik, Dani (1957-)
  • Rodrik, Dani (1957-) 72
  • Rosenstiel, Tom (avtor) 16
  • Ross, Billy I. (urednik) 83
  • Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristóbal (urednik) 55
  • Royal Institute of International Affairs 71
  • Rozman, Andrej (1947-, prevajalec) 94
  • Rozman, Andrej (1947-, recenzent) 92
  • Rumford, Chris (1958-) 65
  • Ružić, Mira (1916-2004) 79

  • Saaty, Thomas glej Saaty, Thomas L.
  • Saaty, Thomas L. 10
  • Salamon, Lester M. 58
  • Saurugger, Sabine 59
  • Schier, Steven E. 60
  • Sedmak, Marijan glej Sedmak, Marjan
  • Sedmak, Marjan (prevajalec) 84
  • Seidman, Steven (urednik) 24
  • Shore, Stephen (1947-) 91
  • Siapera, Eugenia (urednik) 14
  • Simoniti, Primož (avtor) 61
  • Smit, Christian Reus- (1961-) glej Reus-Smit, Christian (1961-)
  • Snoj, Jože (avtor) 61
  • Sokolowski, S. Wojciech (avtor) 58
  • Sollner Perdih, Anka glej Sollner-Perdih, Anka
  • Sollner, Anka glej Sollner-Perdih, Anka
  • Sollner-Perdih, Anka (avtor dodatnega besedila) 92
  • Sosič, Alojzija Zupan glej Zupan Sosič, Alojzija
  • Sosič, Luise Zupan glej Zupan Sosič, Alojzija
  • Sparrer, Insa (1955-) 82
  • Spectator glej Krašovec, Stane
  • Sta., M. glej Stabej, Marko
  • Stabej, Marko (recenzent) 92, 93
  • Standing, Guy 70
  • Stantić, Anita Peti- glej Peti-Stantić, Anita
  • Starc, Sonja (1954-, recenzent) 92
  • Starkey, Guy 48
  • Stevens, David (avtor) 31
  • Strauss, Neil (urednik) 81
  • Subioto, Namita glej Subiotto, Namita
  • Subioto, Namitta glej Subiotto, Namita
  • Subiotto, Namita (recenzent) 92

  • Šeligo, Rudi (avtor) 61
  • Škeljo, Gordana (prevajalec) 78

  • Thumim, Nancy 40
  • Tomanic Trivundza, Ilija glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Tomanic Trivundza, Illija glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Tomanic, Ilija T. glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Tomanič, Ilija glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-, prevajalec) 86
  • Tomanić, Ilija glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Tomanić, Ilija T. glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Tomanić-Trivundža, Ilija glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Trivundza, Ilija Tomanic glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Trivundza, Illija Tomanic glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Trivundža, Dragana T. (prevajalec) 86
  • Trivundža, Ilija Tomanić glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Trivundža, Ilija Tomanić- glej Tomanić Trivundža, Ilija (1974-)
  • Turner, Bryan glej Turner, Bryan S.
  • Turner, Bryan S. 41

  • Univerza. Inštitut za sociologijo in filozofijo (Ljubljana) 95
  • Urbančič, Ivan (avtor) 61
  • Ušeničnik, B. glej Ušeničnik, Bojan
  • Ušeničnik, Bojan (urednik) 80

  • Van Krieken, Robert 33
  • Veglis, Andreas (urednik) 14
  • Velikonja, M. glej Velikonja, Mitja
  • Velikonja, Mitja 42
  • Velikonja, Mitja (urednik) 39
  • Vlahović, Maja (1962-) glej Đukanović, Maja
  • Vojevec, Jaka A. (prevajalec) 86
  • Vojevec, Jaka Andrej glej Vojevec, Jaka A.
  • Vukovič, Olga glej Vuković, Olga
  • Vuković, Olga (prevajalec) 42

  • Walley, Christine J. (1965-) 30
  • Walter, Mary Ann (urednik) 35
  • Wysocki, D. K. glej Wysocki, Diane Kholos
  • Wysocki, Diane Kholos (urednik) 5

  • Zabkar, Anton glej Žabkar, Anton (1935-)
  • Zapkar, Anton glej Žabkar, Anton (1935-)
  • Zartman, I. William (urednik) 64
  • Zobel, Justin (1963-, avtor) 3
  • Zupan Sosič, Alojzija (recenzent) 92
  • Zupan Sosič, Luise glej Zupan Sosič, Alojzija
  • Zupan, Alojzija glej Zupan Sosič, Alojzija

  • Žabkar, A. glej Žabkar, Anton (1935-)
  • Žabkar, Anton (1935-, cenzor) 80
  • Žabkar, Tone glej Žabkar, Anton (1935-)
  • Žbogar, Alenka (recenzent) 92
  • Žéle, Andreja (1963-) glej Žele, Andreja (1963-)
  • Žele, Andreja (1963-, recenzent) 92
  • Žiru, Anri glej Giroux, Henry A.

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